Giving up! Don’t know what to do!

Background: So i havent officially been diagnosed with PCOS but I have had many doctors allude to it. My main issues include: hormonal acne, irregular periods/spotting, inability to loose weight/weight gain, anxiety, increased body hair and insomnia. My ultrasound came back clear but I do have some hormones that arent in normal range such as: high prolactin, high 17OH, high cortisol and high FSH:LH ratio (i have been tested for cushings extensively and all other scans/tests came back clear).

I have waited 10 months to get an appt with an endocrinologist. When I finally got an appointment with him last month he just put me on saxenda (liraglutide) daily injections and said come back in 6 months. His reasoning was that he thought if i lost weight my hormones would go back to normal (im around 190 pounds). WELL the saxenda has not caused me to loose weight (been on it for 8 weeks) and i cant tolerate it (bad dizziness), so i cant even up my dose. I called the endo’s office two weeks ago and havent heard back. I thought they might be on vacation? He gave me his email and Im not sure if I should email him at this point. Im thinking about asking to go on birth control pills such as Yaz (for regular periods) and metformin (for suspected insulin resistance) but Im scared he wont give me that. I just feel like no doctor listens to me and I feel like giving up. Is any treatment even helpful for pcos? ☹️

TLDR: I have suspected PCOS and was put on saxenda to loose weight to ‘fix’ my hormonal imbalance but i cant tolerate the med. my endocrinologist is really hard to reach and im not sure if i should email him instead of calling. What treatment should i do? Feel like giving up.

Background: So i havent officially been diagnosed with PCOS but I have had many doctors allude to it. My main issues include: hormonal acne, irregular periods/spotting, inability to loose weight/weight gain, anxiety, increased body hair and insomnia. My ultrasound came back clear but I do have some hormones that arent in normal range such as: high prolactin, high 17OH, high cortisol and high FSH:LH ratio (i have been tested for cushings extensively and all other scans/tests came back clear).I have waited 10 months to get an appt with an endocrinologist. When I finally got an appointment with him last month he just put me on saxenda (liraglutide) daily injections and said come back in 6 months. His reasoning was that he thought if i lost weight my hormones would go back to normal (im around 190 pounds). WELL the saxenda has not caused me to loose weight (been on it for 8 weeks) and i cant tolerate it (bad dizziness), so i cant even up my dose. I called the endo’s office two weeks ago and havent heard back. I thought they might be on vacation? He gave me his email and Im not sure if I should email him at this point. Im thinking about asking to go on birth control pills such as Yaz (for regular periods) and metformin (for suspected insulin resistance) but Im scared he wont give me that. I just feel like no doctor listens to me and I feel like giving up. Is any treatment even helpful for pcos? ☹️TLDR: I have suspected PCOS and was put on saxenda to loose weight to ‘fix’ my hormonal imbalance but i cant tolerate the med. my endocrinologist is really hard to reach and im not sure if i should email him instead of calling. What treatment should i do? Feel like giving up.
