I’ve been on my period for almost a month now after starting to take hormonal pills, should I go to my obgyn again?

24F 5’3” 70kg Filipino living in the Philippines. I’ve been having irregular menstruation far longer than usual (like sometimes it would take me 2-5 months before getting a period) so I got myself checked by an OBGYN and even got tested with some laboratory exams. She concluded that it was just hormonal imbalance and recommended Provera to be taken in 5 days then once my period starts, Lizonya. Tbh, I would try my best to take my pills everyday but the thing is, I’d usually forget to take it on the same time. I’d miss it for a couple of minutes only tho and not more than an hour. Fastforward, I’ve been having my period for almost 21 days now and i’m starting to get worried because altho the quantity of the blood isn‘t a lot, it’s still an amount that would require me to use pads. Should I get myself checked or is this a normal side effect of starting pills?

24F 5’3” 70kg Filipino living in the Philippines. I’ve been having irregular menstruation far longer than usual (like sometimes it would take me 2-5 months before getting a period) so I got myself checked by an OBGYN and even got tested with some laboratory exams. She concluded that it was just hormonal imbalance and recommended Provera to be taken in 5 days then once my period starts, Lizonya. Tbh, I would try my best to take my pills everyday but the thing is, I’d usually forget to take it on the same time. I’d miss it for a couple of minutes only tho and not more than an hour. Fastforward, I’ve been having my period for almost 21 days now and i’m starting to get worried because altho the quantity of the blood isn‘t a lot, it’s still an amount that would require me to use pads. Should I get myself checked or is this a normal side effect of starting pills? https://ift.tt/BMTjyEc https://ift.tt/W7mRgBX
