need some help

So I (17) used to have a pretty regular cycle, but my last few periods were quite early. I once had a fourteen-day cycle. I also noticed that I only experienced bleeding for 2 days when I usually bleed for 3 to 4 days. I have not gotten my period this month. I know sometimes hormonal imbalance can cause this but still, anyone else experiencing anything like this can give me advice? Do I need to see a doctor asap?

So I (17) used to have a pretty regular cycle, but my last few periods were quite early. I once had a fourteen-day cycle. I also noticed that I only experienced bleeding for 2 days when I usually bleed for 3 to 4 days. I have not gotten my period this month. I know sometimes hormonal imbalance can cause this but still, anyone else experiencing anything like this can give me advice? Do I need to see a doctor asap?
