Post-op mood instability.

Mainly looking for similar experiences or additional info on the issue, especially since my household has fallen into some very financially problematic times, and I'm currently unable to afford psych help or see my doc that did my hysto to follow up about hormone chaos.

I know that mood swings and other mood changes are pretty normal after surgery. I had mine in late April, but I'm not sure how many weeks it's been now. I've fully healed, physically feel sooooo much better, kept my ovaries ("period" weeks have been rough with hormone madness), but I'm having some other issues that may or may not be related, and Google is no help when trying to find out how normal or not this is.

I already have complex ptsd among other issues, so my mental health is pretty awful even on a good day. However, I'm functional and fine most of the time. About as good as it's going to get. But lately, my OCD and anxiety have been reaching levels that are basically warning signs for me now that something is up. I do have a LOT of real-life problems going on that are definitely contributing and are very legitimate reasons to be stressing and freaking out 24/7 until they're resolved, but I usually handle them a bit better. I feel like I'm really struggling now compared to usual when I get overloaded with stressful life issues, and I know hormone imbalances can play a part in that.

Is this something that will improve as the year goes on and my body continues to adjust to having those organs removed (I can tell the ovaries are already behaving a bit better compared to those first few weeks), or is this something that will likely become yet another issue I'm going to have to figure out how to deal with?

Also, if y'all have any good references for subreddits or other websites/forums/whatever that discuss these issues, I would really appreciate it.

Mainly looking for similar experiences or additional info on the issue, especially since my household has fallen into some very financially problematic times, and I'm currently unable to afford psych help or see my doc that did my hysto to follow up about hormone chaos.I know that mood swings and other mood changes are pretty normal after surgery. I had mine in late April, but I'm not sure how many weeks it's been now. I've fully healed, physically feel sooooo much better, kept my ovaries ("period" weeks have been rough with hormone madness), but I'm having some other issues that may or may not be related, and Google is no help when trying to find out how normal or not this is.I already have complex ptsd among other issues, so my mental health is pretty awful even on a good day. However, I'm functional and fine most of the time. About as good as it's going to get. But lately, my OCD and anxiety have been reaching levels that are basically warning signs for me now that something is up. I do have a LOT of real-life problems going on that are definitely contributing and are very legitimate reasons to be stressing and freaking out 24/7 until they're resolved, but I usually handle them a bit better. I feel like I'm really struggling now compared to usual when I get overloaded with stressful life issues, and I know hormone imbalances can play a part in that.Is this something that will improve as the year goes on and my body continues to adjust to having those organs removed (I can tell the ovaries are already behaving a bit better compared to those first few weeks), or is this something that will likely become yet another issue I'm going to have to figure out how to deal with?Also, if y'all have any good references for subreddits or other websites/forums/whatever that discuss these issues, I would really appreciate it.
