Raspberry Leaf Tea Pros and Cons

Hi, period-getters! I thought I'd share one of my favorite cramp remedies with you, with some caveats, because even natural remedies have their downsides.

I used to get AWFUL period cramps when I was a teenager, and nobody have ever warned me how bad they could be. I only found out about the benefits of birth control pills through TV ads, and I decided to go on the Pill because nothing else worked for me. It was GREAT to have pain-free, totally predictable cycles, but after 15 years (I'm 37), I decided to give my system a break from artificial hormones and see what my regular periods were like. I was afraid of going right back to awful cramps, so I did my research and read some good things about raspberry leaf tea preventing cramps.

I bought a couple boxes, liked the taste, and drank a cup a day for about two weeks before my period. No cramps! I drank a cup a day for about 10 days before each period. Everything was fine until a few months ago, when I began to notice that my periods were lighter at the beginning and consequently lasting longer than 7 days. I wasn't happy. Got my thyroid checked, got a pelvic ultrasound, and nothing was out of the ordinary. Definitely wasn't pregnant either (gay and ace.)

I talked to my naturopath about this problem and she recommended taking a break from the raspberry leaf routine, because it might be over-relaxing the uterine muscles and causing my flow to take longer because my uterus wasn't cramping enough. Huh! That was a thought I hadn't had. So I've been off the tea for this month and I've also noticed that my PMS hasn't been as bad. I don't know if it's related or just because I've had less stress this month in general.

I'll get my period this week and then we'll see if that theory is correct. If not, then maybe it's a hormonal imbalance or something else is going on (my naturopath is also an RN, so she's not against recommending more traditional medicine if needed.)

In any case, I wanted to share this story to let whoever is wondering know that raspberry leaf tea is a great cramp remedy, but be careful how much of it you drink because too much can cause your uterus to not contract enough to get all that endometrial tissue out in a week or less. And nobody likes a longer period.

Hi, period-getters! I thought I'd share one of my favorite cramp remedies with you, with some caveats, because even natural remedies have their downsides.I used to get AWFUL period cramps when I was a teenager, and nobody have ever warned me how bad they could be. I only found out about the benefits of birth control pills through TV ads, and I decided to go on the Pill because nothing else worked for me. It was GREAT to have pain-free, totally predictable cycles, but after 15 years (I'm 37), I decided to give my system a break from artificial hormones and see what my regular periods were like. I was afraid of going right back to awful cramps, so I did my research and read some good things about raspberry leaf tea preventing cramps.I bought a couple boxes, liked the taste, and drank a cup a day for about two weeks before my period. No cramps! I drank a cup a day for about 10 days before each period. Everything was fine until a few months ago, when I began to notice that my periods were lighter at the beginning and consequently lasting longer than 7 days. I wasn't happy. Got my thyroid checked, got a pelvic ultrasound, and nothing was out of the ordinary. Definitely wasn't pregnant either (gay and ace.)I talked to my naturopath about this problem and she recommended taking a break from the raspberry leaf routine, because it might be over-relaxing the uterine muscles and causing my flow to take longer because my uterus wasn't cramping enough. Huh! That was a thought I hadn't had. So I've been off the tea for this month and I've also noticed that my PMS hasn't been as bad. I don't know if it's related or just because I've had less stress this month in general.I'll get my period this week and then we'll see if that theory is correct. If not, then maybe it's a hormonal imbalance or something else is going on (my naturopath is also an RN, so she's not against recommending more traditional medicine if needed.)In any case, I wanted to share this story to let whoever is wondering know that raspberry leaf tea is a great cramp remedy, but be careful how much of it you drink because too much can cause your uterus to not contract enough to get all that endometrial tissue out in a week or less. And nobody likes a longer period. https://ift.tt/SiofR21 https://ift.tt/BI6xQGs
