Rooster hen

I have a hen who is at the top of the pecking order in my flock of 9 hens. I know it's fairly common to have a hen act like a rooster when there isn't one around and I know certain diseases/infections can create a hormone imbalance. She stopped laying eggs, is a lot larger than the other hens, has a bigger and brighter comb than before same with the wattles and is trying to crow. Do hens that just act like a rooster (vs hormonal change) develop all the physical characteristics of a rooster or is that only with the hormonal hen? If it is hormonal would I be able to add a roo to the flock?

I have a hen who is at the top of the pecking order in my flock of 9 hens. I know it's fairly common to have a hen act like a rooster when there isn't one around and I know certain diseases/infections can create a hormone imbalance. She stopped laying eggs, is a lot larger than the other hens, has a bigger and brighter comb than before same with the wattles and is trying to crow. Do hens that just act like a rooster (vs hormonal change) develop all the physical characteristics of a rooster or is that only with the hormonal hen? If it is hormonal would I be able to add a roo to the flock?
