The Islamic idea of a heaven is extremely narrow minded

I can understand if you believe in some spiritual or abstract form of afterlife. But the Islamic heaven couldn't be less spiritual if it tried. It promises you sex of all things. Sex. It promises you fulfilment of any desire you have, but it explicitly takes the time to spell out how much sex you're gonna get. If this doesn't make it painfully obvious that this religion was created to manipulate horny men, then I don't know what to tell you.

Ironically, muslims claim that one "evidence" of Islam is that an illiterate person couldn't possibly have made it up. But in fact, this is exactly the kind of heaven you'd expect a manipulative person to come up with. It lacks any sort of divinity. And it's worked extremely well. People live out there entire lives believing that they'd get eternal bodily pleasure in heaven.

It's well-known that all of bodily pleasures are derived from chemicals. Then how is it possible for you soul to be horny all the time? It's well-known that attractions can die out from hormonal imbalances. Same goes for any other desire you have. They're all tied to your body.

I can understand if you believe in some spiritual or abstract form of afterlife. But the Islamic heaven couldn't be less spiritual if it tried. It promises you sex of all things. Sex. It promises you fulfilment of any desire you have, but it explicitly takes the time to spell out how much sex you're gonna get. If this doesn't make it painfully obvious that this religion was created to manipulate horny men, then I don't know what to tell you.Ironically, muslims claim that one "evidence" of Islam is that an illiterate person couldn't possibly have made it up. But in fact, this is exactly the kind of heaven you'd expect a manipulative person to come up with. It lacks any sort of divinity. And it's worked extremely well. People live out there entire lives believing that they'd get eternal bodily pleasure in heaven.It's well-known that all of bodily pleasures are derived from chemicals. Then how is it possible for you soul to be horny all the time? It's well-known that attractions can die out from hormonal imbalances. Same goes for any other desire you have. They're all tied to your body.
