Wife wants sex husband doesn’t and no one is happy

Tl;dr - my husband has a low libido, mine is higher. We aren’t having sex or any romantic time. How can I pique his interest and keep us from becoming roommates?

My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married for 5, and have 1 toddler. He is a wonderful man - kind, loyal, reliable, and a great dad. He has never been a sexual or remotely romantic person. This has been an issue on and off over the course of our relationship, but now that I am constantly busy with a toddler i don’t have the confidence or energy to be the sole persuader of a physical relationship. I’ve talked to him about this repeatedly and stated exactly what I want. He is quite overweight, which I don’t care about (he’s always been heavier while I’ve always exercised and worried about what I eat). I believe the weight plays a major role in his lack of energy and often wonder if there is a hormone imbalance. I’ve talked to him about this as kindly as possible and suggested he talk to his doctor. He always seems amenable, but never actually does anything. I’m getting more and more frustrated and am at a point where I’m wondering about the future of our relationship. I am at a loss of how to improve this area of our relationship so that we are both reasonably happy with our physical and romantic relationship because at this point we just feel like co parenting roommates. Any suggestions on how to get us onto the same page? Or any men with low libidos who have any suggestions for how I can help my husband and I find some balance?

Tl;dr - my husband has a low libido, mine is higher. We aren’t having sex or any romantic time. How can I pique his interest and keep us from becoming roommates?My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married for 5, and have 1 toddler. He is a wonderful man - kind, loyal, reliable, and a great dad. He has never been a sexual or remotely romantic person. This has been an issue on and off over the course of our relationship, but now that I am constantly busy with a toddler i don’t have the confidence or energy to be the sole persuader of a physical relationship. I’ve talked to him about this repeatedly and stated exactly what I want. He is quite overweight, which I don’t care about (he’s always been heavier while I’ve always exercised and worried about what I eat). I believe the weight plays a major role in his lack of energy and often wonder if there is a hormone imbalance. I’ve talked to him about this as kindly as possible and suggested he talk to his doctor. He always seems amenable, but never actually does anything. I’m getting more and more frustrated and am at a point where I’m wondering about the future of our relationship. I am at a loss of how to improve this area of our relationship so that we are both reasonably happy with our physical and romantic relationship because at this point we just feel like co parenting roommates. Any suggestions on how to get us onto the same page? Or any men with low libidos who have any suggestions for how I can help my husband and I find some balance? https://ift.tt/86hdjnU https://ift.tt/iYe3u4U
