Frustrated and seeking advice

Hello, I'm 19 and ever since I've gotten my period it has been irregular. I would go months without having periods and when I did they were extremely painful. I tried to bring it up with my doctor a few times but they never really did anything and just told me it was normal and my period would become regular. At the time I believed that but my symptoms never got better.

In 2019 I asked to get tested for PCOS since I had a lot of the symptoms (irregular periods, facial hair, weight gain, etc) and because I was a minor they told my mom the results. She told me that I had just had a hormonal imbalance and that the doctor told me to exercise.

Recently my symptoms have been getting worse and I've bled every day from April - May. It's not heavy bleeding but like about 1-2 pantyliners. I told my mom and she blew me off saying she had a similar experience when she was younger and that it'll just stop. After it continued for almost three months I finally went to my doctor about it and they informed me I had PCOS.

I've been so frustrated at the fact that my mom did not tell me and that my doctors never followed up with me about it. For three years I've been experiencing these issues that have affected me mentally in so many ways and knowing that my parents knew this whole time is very hard. If I had known before, I would've been able to start making lifestyle changes and getting the help that I needed, and I feel like it is too late now.

My doctor put me on birth control and advised me to go to a gyno. I made an appointment and while I waited to be seen, I started the birth control my doctor prescribed and my bleeding went down a lot. However, on week three, I started heavy bleeding again. This was two days before my gyno appointment so I did mention it to them and they said it was normal to bleed while getting adjusted to birth control. She also switched my birth control to another one because it was better for managing PCOS symptoms.

Since then the heavy bleeding has not stopped and it's been happening for two weeks. I've also been experiencing cramps on my left side. I don't know what to do right now and I feel helpless. I understand it is normal to bleed while on birth control, especially after switching the pill, but the bleeding has not stopped. I called my gyno and scheduled a new appointment to get an ultrasound but I don't know why my doctor or my gyno did not bother to do one before that. I don't know what to expect either going into all of this.

If anyone has any advice on what may be going on with me or can give me some reassurance that would be great.

Hello, I'm 19 and ever since I've gotten my period it has been irregular. I would go months without having periods and when I did they were extremely painful. I tried to bring it up with my doctor a few times but they never really did anything and just told me it was normal and my period would become regular. At the time I believed that but my symptoms never got better.In 2019 I asked to get tested for PCOS since I had a lot of the symptoms (irregular periods, facial hair, weight gain, etc) and because I was a minor they told my mom the results. She told me that I had just had a hormonal imbalance and that the doctor told me to exercise.Recently my symptoms have been getting worse and I've bled every day from April - May. It's not heavy bleeding but like about 1-2 pantyliners. I told my mom and she blew me off saying she had a similar experience when she was younger and that it'll just stop. After it continued for almost three months I finally went to my doctor about it and they informed me I had PCOS.I've been so frustrated at the fact that my mom did not tell me and that my doctors never followed up with me about it. For three years I've been experiencing these issues that have affected me mentally in so many ways and knowing that my parents knew this whole time is very hard. If I had known before, I would've been able to start making lifestyle changes and getting the help that I needed, and I feel like it is too late now.My doctor put me on birth control and advised me to go to a gyno. I made an appointment and while I waited to be seen, I started the birth control my doctor prescribed and my bleeding went down a lot. However, on week three, I started heavy bleeding again. This was two days before my gyno appointment so I did mention it to them and they said it was normal to bleed while getting adjusted to birth control. She also switched my birth control to another one because it was better for managing PCOS symptoms.Since then the heavy bleeding has not stopped and it's been happening for two weeks. I've also been experiencing cramps on my left side. I don't know what to do right now and I feel helpless. I understand it is normal to bleed while on birth control, especially after switching the pill, but the bleeding has not stopped. I called my gyno and scheduled a new appointment to get an ultrasound but I don't know why my doctor or my gyno did not bother to do one before that. I don't know what to expect either going into all of this.If anyone has any advice on what may be going on with me or can give me some reassurance that would be great.
