Halal Food Isn't As Halal as We'd Like to Think

I just finished a book called Estrogeneration by Anthony G. Jay Ph.D. I recommend everyone read it.

It's about estrogenics: chemicals that are molecularly similar to the female hormone estrogen.

In short: estrogenics are everywhere in our environment and they're having a massive impact on our heath. They're in plastic, food dyes, artificial scents, industrial chemical waste, meat, dairy and more.

Some of the worst impacts are the extreme rise of allergies, mental, and autoimmune disorders, and transgenerational infertility. That means each generation is passing on damaged DNA that leads to decreased fertility.

All humans have estrogen in us. The problem, even for women, is that these chemicals are causing an estrogen imbalance and tearing up our bodies.

It got me thinking: a lot of the estrogenic chemicals discussed are clearly in "Halal" food.

  • Meat? It's packaged in plastic which is leeching chemicals into it.
  • Canned food? Many of those cans are lined with estrogenic BPA, BPS or or derivative chemicals
  • And then there are so many foods with estrogenic artificial dyes. And everything is packaged in estrogenic plastic
  • Styrofoam food containers are HORRIBLE, especially when hot food is put in them

The definition of Halal cannot include chemicals that damage our bodies. The dilemma is that centralized food production requires these chemicals for inexpensive transportation and storage in the Western-style supply chain.

In the long-run, a reexamination of "Halal" food must include the elimination of contact with harmful chemicals. But that is a massive undertaking that involves a return to localized production of goods.

My objective here is to bring awareness to the danger we face by being ignorant about the chemicals we come in contact with.

If you want to work to minimize these chemicals impacting you and your family I recommend the following:

I just finished a book called Estrogeneration by Anthony G. Jay Ph.D. I recommend everyone read it.It's about estrogenics: chemicals that are molecularly similar to the female hormone estrogen.In short: estrogenics are everywhere in our environment and they're having a massive impact on our heath. They're in plastic, food dyes, artificial scents, industrial chemical waste, meat, dairy and more.Some of the worst impacts are the extreme rise of allergies, mental, and autoimmune disorders, and transgenerational infertility. That means each generation is passing on damaged DNA that leads to decreased fertility.All humans have estrogen in us. The problem, even for women, is that these chemicals are causing an estrogen imbalance and tearing up our bodies.It got me thinking: a lot of the estrogenic chemicals discussed are clearly in "Halal" food.Meat? It's packaged in plastic which is leeching chemicals into it.Canned food? Many of those cans are lined with estrogenic BPA, BPS or or derivative chemicalsAnd then there are so many foods with estrogenic artificial dyes. And everything is packaged in estrogenic plasticStyrofoam food containers are HORRIBLE, especially when hot food is put in themThe definition of Halal cannot include chemicals that damage our bodies. The dilemma is that centralized food production requires these chemicals for inexpensive transportation and storage in the Western-style supply chain.In the long-run, a reexamination of "Halal" food must include the elimination of contact with harmful chemicals. But that is a massive undertaking that involves a return to localized production of goods.My objective here is to bring awareness to the danger we face by being ignorant about the chemicals we come in contact with.If you want to work to minimize these chemicals impacting you and your family I recommend the following:Read Estrogeneration by Anthony G. Jay Ph.DCheck out his different levels of estrogenic avoidance plans https://ift.tt/jma3J10 https://ift.tt/SRCzs8I
