Pain on depo?

i’ve been on it for a year now. in that year i’ve been experiencing lower dull abdominal pain. went to my primary care doctor, he felt around my abdomen said he didn’t notice anything and it it was probably either a hormonal imbalance, the birth control im on, or a ovarian cyst. he ordered some blood test just in case (haven’t gotten the results yet. fingers crossed everything comes back okay) but told me to just call my obgyn. worried that it was a cyst i called my obgyn after i left my dr. and he said depo might just be too strong for me (i’m very small 5’0ft 87lb) and is switching me over to birth control pills. has anyone ever had any pain with the depo shot? i always see everyone talk about the weight gain and mood swings and whatnot, but i haven’t seen much of anyone talking about being in pain. not gonna lie there is definitely a big part of me that is worried my dr missed something and i have some sort of cancer brewing up.

i’ve been on it for a year now. in that year i’ve been experiencing lower dull abdominal pain. went to my primary care doctor, he felt around my abdomen said he didn’t notice anything and it it was probably either a hormonal imbalance, the birth control im on, or a ovarian cyst. he ordered some blood test just in case (haven’t gotten the results yet. fingers crossed everything comes back okay) but told me to just call my obgyn. worried that it was a cyst i called my obgyn after i left my dr. and he said depo might just be too strong for me (i’m very small 5’0ft 87lb) and is switching me over to birth control pills. has anyone ever had any pain with the depo shot? i always see everyone talk about the weight gain and mood swings and whatnot, but i haven’t seen much of anyone talking about being in pain. not gonna lie there is definitely a big part of me that is worried my dr missed something and i have some sort of cancer brewing up.
