Still exhausted

It’s been a year on 150mg. My doc at the time also took me from 20mg lexapro to 10- but I can’t help but feel like it ends up just cancelling out all the energy/motivation wellbutrin could give me. I have to nap every day for the most part- and get my biggest kick of energy around 3pm. It’s so incredibly frustrating. I’m still working on trying to lose the 25 lbs I gained from an IUD/hormonal imbalance- and because of my fatigue/depression I can’t find the energy or motivation to work out. I was put on WB in order to help me with losing the weight and help depression - I had the “honeymoon period” for about a month where I felt like my life was entirely changed.. Now I wonder if I should be talking to a psychiatrist instead of my GP to see if there’s something else we can try.

It’s been a year on 150mg. My doc at the time also took me from 20mg lexapro to 10- but I can’t help but feel like it ends up just cancelling out all the energy/motivation wellbutrin could give me. I have to nap every day for the most part- and get my biggest kick of energy around 3pm. It’s so incredibly frustrating. I’m still working on trying to lose the 25 lbs I gained from an IUD/hormonal imbalance- and because of my fatigue/depression I can’t find the energy or motivation to work out. I was put on WB in order to help me with losing the weight and help depression - I had the “honeymoon period” for about a month where I felt like my life was entirely changed.. Now I wonder if I should be talking to a psychiatrist instead of my GP to see if there’s something else we can try.
