~19 Months Clean. Looking to give advice/answer questions

I'm at a point in this journey where I don't even consider myself part of the NoFap community, I'm just someone that doesn't Fap.

I started Fapping at 8 years old, sometimes hitting double digit numbers on a daily basis. I lost my virginity at an early age which only exacerbated the issue, now I had a second outlet for sexual release. I would take any opportunity to fap, even preferring it to intercourse sometimes, sometimes even going to the bathroom to fap directly after intercourse. It was bad.

The worst part was I didn't feel anything sexually, orgasms were more painful than pleasureful.

This story is a LOT darker than what I've shared, the ways in which this addiction manifested itself to me are far beyond what I feel comfortable posting on Reddit at this point in time.

My main triggers were:

  • Exposure to sexual content on social media
  • Stress
  • Boredom
  • Hormone imbalance

This continued until I decided to do something about it at age 24 when I discovered the NoFap community.

When I started the NoFap journey, it took me around 2 years to reach a streak of 2 weeks, averaging 2-5 day streaks before relapsing. Before I got to the point I am today, my second longest streak was 19 days.

The key was realising that merely 'Not Fapping' wasn't going to work. I had to fix the root causes (My triggers).

How I fixed my triggers (short):

  • I quit ALL social media, including Reddit. This is why this account is so fresh.
  • I discovered Stoicism (By reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius) which allowed me to adopt a disposition where I could handle stress more effectively and control my impulses.
  • I quit ALL video games and other false-sources of dopamine which trick our minds into thinking we're being stimulated and adopted more natural forms of stimulation such as reading, journaling & exercise.
  • I fixed my hormone imbalance by sorting out my diet, exercising frequently and taking certain supplements to stimulate a natural testosterone increase, higher testosterone allowed me to be in more control of my actions.
  • I developed a level of awareness where I could analyse my thought patterns in real-time and detect when certain thoughts came to mind that could provoke a relapse.

Naturally over time I developed more healthier habits that contributed to this success, such as meditation and yoga.

I won't go into the benefits as it'd likely be the same generic ones you've already seen, unless you ask about specifics which I'd be happy to answer.

What I will say is that the mere act of breaking an addiction (whatever it is) is enough to stimulate massive neurological changes (re-wiring) which is extremely beneficial in itself.

I'm at a point in this journey where I don't even consider myself part of the NoFap community, I'm just someone that doesn't Fap.I started Fapping at 8 years old, sometimes hitting double digit numbers on a daily basis. I lost my virginity at an early age which only exacerbated the issue, now I had a second outlet for sexual release. I would take any opportunity to fap, even preferring it to intercourse sometimes, sometimes even going to the bathroom to fap directly after intercourse. It was bad.The worst part was I didn't feel anything sexually, orgasms were more painful than pleasureful.This story is a LOT darker than what I've shared, the ways in which this addiction manifested itself to me are far beyond what I feel comfortable posting on Reddit at this point in time.My main triggers were:Exposure to sexual content on social mediaStressBoredomHormone imbalanceThis continued until I decided to do something about it at age 24 when I discovered the NoFap community.When I started the NoFap journey, it took me around 2 years to reach a streak of 2 weeks, averaging 2-5 day streaks before relapsing. Before I got to the point I am today, my second longest streak was 19 days.The key was realising that merely 'Not Fapping' wasn't going to work. I had to fix the root causes (My triggers).How I fixed my triggers (short):I quit ALL social media, including Reddit. This is why this account is so fresh.I discovered Stoicism (By reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius) which allowed me to adopt a disposition where I could handle stress more effectively and control my impulses.I quit ALL video games and other false-sources of dopamine which trick our minds into thinking we're being stimulated and adopted more natural forms of stimulation such as reading, journaling & exercise.I fixed my hormone imbalance by sorting out my diet, exercising frequently and taking certain supplements to stimulate a natural testosterone increase, higher testosterone allowed me to be in more control of my actions.I developed a level of awareness where I could analyse my thought patterns in real-time and detect when certain thoughts came to mind that could provoke a relapse.Naturally over time I developed more healthier habits that contributed to this success, such as meditation and yoga.I won't go into the benefits as it'd likely be the same generic ones you've already seen, unless you ask about specifics which I'd be happy to answer.What I will say is that the mere act of breaking an addiction (whatever it is) is enough to stimulate massive neurological changes (re-wiring) which is extremely beneficial in itself. https://ift.tt/IKzli7a https://ift.tt/XrUNG0O
