lncreasing cases of PCOD/PCOS.

I feel like in the coming years, as urbanization is increasing, pcod/pcos patients will increase drastically in number. I am just a 19 year old and also diagnosed with it, which sucks in a way ofc! I think that in the coming years, as urbanization is increasing, countries are going to get more developed, people are going to get more busy, which will lead to unhealthy eating habits, no exercising, or binge-eating. These things will cause hormonal disturbances in adolescents, which will lead to pcod. The newer gen is even more prone to junk food. Like junk food or unhealthy food is easily available, affordable, and has a long shelf life. I feel like every single woman is going to have this problem. And as soil is losing it's fertility power, farmers are injecting hormones in vegetables, which is not good for health. To feed nearly 8 billion people, they have to use chemicals, hormones and what not. All this will definitely disrupt the eating patterns in kids and adolescents as well as it will cause hormonal imbalances and problems related to it. What are your thoughts?🤔

I feel like in the coming years, as urbanization is increasing, pcod/pcos patients will increase drastically in number. I am just a 19 year old and also diagnosed with it, which sucks in a way ofc! I think that in the coming years, as urbanization is increasing, countries are going to get more developed, people are going to get more busy, which will lead to unhealthy eating habits, no exercising, or binge-eating. These things will cause hormonal disturbances in adolescents, which will lead to pcod. The newer gen is even more prone to junk food. Like junk food or unhealthy food is easily available, affordable, and has a long shelf life. I feel like every single woman is going to have this problem. And as soil is losing it's fertility power, farmers are injecting hormones in vegetables, which is not good for health. To feed nearly 8 billion people, they have to use chemicals, hormones and what not. All this will definitely disrupt the eating patterns in kids and adolescents as well as it will cause hormonal imbalances and problems related to it. What are your thoughts?🤔 https://ift.tt/SpP87sT https://ift.tt/NIumneU
