Questions, Questions, Questioning

Hey ladies. I have a question. I think I'm questioning myself and I wanted to know a couple of things. 1st anyone with tattoos have any disfiguring of your tattoos as you are transitioning. How did you determine that transition was what you needed? And did you run into people telling you that your feelings were just hormone imbalance and that you should get on testosterone. Last question did any of you start transition with kids under 5? Sorry I know it's heavy with questions. I'm just struggling and want to hear from people who are 'experts' in the matter. And before you ask I am doing therapy curently my next visit is tomorrow. Thank you all.

Hey ladies. I have a question. I think I'm questioning myself and I wanted to know a couple of things. 1st anyone with tattoos have any disfiguring of your tattoos as you are transitioning. How did you determine that transition was what you needed? And did you run into people telling you that your feelings were just hormone imbalance and that you should get on testosterone. Last question did any of you start transition with kids under 5? Sorry I know it's heavy with questions. I'm just struggling and want to hear from people who are 'experts' in the matter. And before you ask I am doing therapy curently my next visit is tomorrow. Thank you all.
