How would PCOS effect me as a trans man?

Sorry in advance if this seems jumbled, I've kind of been in a panic since my doctor told me it is likely I have PCOS.

I really don't know where to start, I'm 17 (Identify as male but I am a bio female). I don't know if having PCOS and the treatment for it will stop me from transitioning. Now I'm not really sure if PCOs could be the reason I feel like I am trans, what if it's just a hormone imbalance and I was wrong about my gender identity for all these years? It would feel humiliating to almost prove the more transphobic side of my family right. I'm just so scared that I've gone through all of the pain of coming out publicly just for parts of my family to tell me that it was 'just a phase'. And if that isn't the case and I am still a trans male, how would PCOS if I have it effect my path to transitioning?

Sorry again that this is a unorganized ramble, I know that right now I am not diagnosed, but so far I have portrayed some if not all of the symptoms of PCOS and I feel like this will really have an impact on my lifestyle from here on out if I do actually have it. Any advice is welcome, maybe hearing from people who actually have PCOS will put my mind at ease I don't know ahaha.

Sorry in advance if this seems jumbled, I've kind of been in a panic since my doctor told me it is likely I have PCOS.I really don't know where to start, I'm 17 (Identify as male but I am a bio female). I don't know if having PCOS and the treatment for it will stop me from transitioning. Now I'm not really sure if PCOs could be the reason I feel like I am trans, what if it's just a hormone imbalance and I was wrong about my gender identity for all these years? It would feel humiliating to almost prove the more transphobic side of my family right. I'm just so scared that I've gone through all of the pain of coming out publicly just for parts of my family to tell me that it was 'just a phase'. And if that isn't the case and I am still a trans male, how would PCOS if I have it effect my path to transitioning?Sorry again that this is a unorganized ramble, I know that right now I am not diagnosed, but so far I have portrayed some if not all of the symptoms of PCOS and I feel like this will really have an impact on my lifestyle from here on out if I do actually have it. Any advice is welcome, maybe hearing from people who actually have PCOS will put my mind at ease I don't know ahaha.
