I feel like I’m literally going insane and losing my mind

30f just was diagnosed with BPD this last February after getting diagnosed with ADHD the previous year, winning combination!!! I have quiet BPD so everything for me is more so internalized and I very rarely have outbursts. Over the last 6 months I’ve been dealing with a lot of random health issues including extreme fatigue, sleeping patterns are all over the place, and my ADHD meds aren’t working the way they’ve been helping before. Come to find out I most likely have a hormonal imbalance. It is making my BPD symptoms shoot through the roof especially over the last month and I honestly feel like I’m going insane. I’m splitting on my boyfriend all the time and it’s putting such a strain on the relationship. He’s aware of the BPD and my health issues so he’s trying to stay patient with me, but he’s got his own trauma and such that he’s working on and when I’ve split on him and lashed out it’s triggered some of his past traumas. I’m so thankful that he’s understanding and he knows that this isn’t how I usually am but I’m getting so scared that I won’t be able to get a handle on my hormonal imbalance before everything blows up. I met with my psychiatrist last week to discuss my adhd meds and possibly a mood stabilizer, and I’ve decided to go off of vyvanse (was on it for one month after previously being on adderall for a while that was working well up until a few months back) because my blood pressure and heart rate was really elevated and she recommended that I just up my dosage of Wellbutrin. She didn’t want to prescribe me a mood stabilizer yet because we don’t know if it’s my BPD, ADHD, or hormonal imbalance that’s causing me having these more extreme emotions than usual, which is understandable.

Just wondering if anyone has any advice, tips for staying calm and balancing out when I split, or has had a similar experience.

30f just was diagnosed with BPD this last February after getting diagnosed with ADHD the previous year, winning combination!!! I have quiet BPD so everything for me is more so internalized and I very rarely have outbursts. Over the last 6 months I’ve been dealing with a lot of random health issues including extreme fatigue, sleeping patterns are all over the place, and my ADHD meds aren’t working the way they’ve been helping before. Come to find out I most likely have a hormonal imbalance. It is making my BPD symptoms shoot through the roof especially over the last month and I honestly feel like I’m going insane. I’m splitting on my boyfriend all the time and it’s putting such a strain on the relationship. He’s aware of the BPD and my health issues so he’s trying to stay patient with me, but he’s got his own trauma and such that he’s working on and when I’ve split on him and lashed out it’s triggered some of his past traumas. I’m so thankful that he’s understanding and he knows that this isn’t how I usually am but I’m getting so scared that I won’t be able to get a handle on my hormonal imbalance before everything blows up. I met with my psychiatrist last week to discuss my adhd meds and possibly a mood stabilizer, and I’ve decided to go off of vyvanse (was on it for one month after previously being on adderall for a while that was working well up until a few months back) because my blood pressure and heart rate was really elevated and she recommended that I just up my dosage of Wellbutrin. She didn’t want to prescribe me a mood stabilizer yet because we don’t know if it’s my BPD, ADHD, or hormonal imbalance that’s causing me having these more extreme emotions than usual, which is understandable.Just wondering if anyone has any advice, tips for staying calm and balancing out when I split, or has had a similar experience. https://ift.tt/olZiBNV https://ift.tt/GkYA2tH
