advice on managing p'hilanthropic' manic behaviour

My mother (f75) has been on seroquil for 3-4 years and was put on it after having been on stellazine for decades. (apparently the latter was discontinued). We (her kids) are not finding it terribly effective to treat her manic behavious, which seems heavily focused on 'philanthropy' toward causes that come through the mail - some of which are even predatory. its exasperating and scary because there are elements of the activity that she hides and is not entirely honest about ("i give everyone a dollar or 5 dollar bill" though we often discover its much more and in both cash and checks. it is marked by no consistent approach, no follow up and to a wide array of causes, many of which are inconsistent with one another. we are curious to hear from this community - 1 if anyone has experienced something similar with their loved ones; 2 if folks have guidance on how we might be able to tackle this, ; 3 - if another family/type of medicines might be recommended, and 4 - what is a good book recommendation for our family to read together to be able to better understand and address her condition. a short background: her condition was hid from us as children (mis/undiagnosed as a 'hormonal imbalance), and we only understood she was bipolar as adults (i was 30+). I (and my siblings) have had to tackle her condition much more frontally since the passing of my father last year, together with the passing of other family relatives who managed my mother's condition but hid it from us never clarifying what was happening. i'd like to try to approach a new care regime with her and my siblings on a healthier basis which i feel but she and we could benefit from

My mother (f75) has been on seroquil for 3-4 years and was put on it after having been on stellazine for decades. (apparently the latter was discontinued). We (her kids) are not finding it terribly effective to treat her manic behavious, which seems heavily focused on 'philanthropy' toward causes that come through the mail - some of which are even predatory. its exasperating and scary because there are elements of the activity that she hides and is not entirely honest about ("i give everyone a dollar or 5 dollar bill" though we often discover its much more and in both cash and checks. it is marked by no consistent approach, no follow up and to a wide array of causes, many of which are inconsistent with one another. we are curious to hear from this community - 1 if anyone has experienced something similar with their loved ones; 2 if folks have guidance on how we might be able to tackle this, ; 3 - if another family/type of medicines might be recommended, and 4 - what is a good book recommendation for our family to read together to be able to better understand and address her condition. a short background: her condition was hid from us as children (mis/undiagnosed as a 'hormonal imbalance), and we only understood she was bipolar as adults (i was 30+). I (and my siblings) have had to tackle her condition much more frontally since the passing of my father last year, together with the passing of other family relatives who managed my mother's condition but hid it from us never clarifying what was happening. i'd like to try to approach a new care regime with her and my siblings on a healthier basis which i feel but she and we could benefit from
