I made a Blood Magic Path that focuses on manipulating Biological Organisms

I created this path as homage to the Anima pillar the OoH (Order of Hermes) had in DA: Mage (Dark Ages Mage). Anima gave a mage the power over life itself, and since the Tremere were once a part of the OoH, I wondered why they never tried to create a path that replicated one of the major abilities they once had when they were mortal mages.

They clearly had the abilities to do so, as seen with the Green Path, and Path of Biothaumathurgy, so why not have a power that allows you to manipulate all types of organisms, it would be more powerful than the magic done by hedge mages, but less power than the magic done by true mages.

So I created a path that was made to do just that. I didnt include mechanics, but I kind of hinted at the type of knowledge needed to use this power in the description below. You could make your own mechanics, if someone actually decided to use this in a game (which is admittedly, very unlikely).

Biolitics was created to replicate some of the powers Clan Tremere once had when they were still mortal mages. Knowledge of the path is heavily restricted not by the Inner Council of Seven, but by its creators. These individuals were former revenants who were bred for the embrace by the clan. Feeling disappointed by powers they believed wasn't worth vampirism, they made the goal of creating their own field of Blood of Magic, starting with Biolitics. This path requires the practitioner to have an indepth knowledge within the field of both Biology and Chemistry. The fact that very few meet these requirements and that this path doesn't sound as exiting as throwing fireballs, makes it that much easier to hide any information of its existance.


  1. Diagnosis- Allows an understanding of what kind of biological creature the practitioner is dealing with. They learn about the makeup of the creature, any physical characteristics, any impairments, illnesses, injuries, and anything similar.
  2. Almost clay- The subject is almost like clay to the practitioner at this level and can stretch, mold, tighten, and loosen the subject or parts of it to their liking, to a realistic point of course. A skilled practitioner of medicine can severe pain receptors in place of an anesthetic and reattach them when the surgery is done. They can even meld different compatible biological subjects together.
    *(Please remember however that to keep the subject alive, or at least not crippled, the
    practitioner has to make a large number of adjustments to other parts of the body such as the skeleton, nervous system, blood flow, etc. Binding different types of biological specimens such as plants with people is also not advised, if the practitioner is only at this level.)
  3. Chemical response- Control the hormones and neurotransmitters of biological organisms to your liking. Using this power too often on the same person may cause issues such as hormonal imbalance. Unlike dominate and presence, this power has a far greater effect on the subject's physical body.
  4. DNA manipulation- Manipulate the DNA of any organism. It is good to remember that this power should be taken seriously and is only taught to those who have proven themselves to be responsible individuals.
  5. Footsteps of Asclepius- Allows you to revive recently deceased organisms as long as their vessel isn't too damaged, the subject in question will still need immediate care after it is revived. You may also revive them in a cloned, uninhabited vessel if there is one on hand, the time limit still applies in this case as well. If the subject in question turns into a wraith, however, the time limit gets thrown out the window. In this scenario, you can create a brand new body for the wraith to inhabit.
    *(As a very small minority of people actually have the requirements to turn into wraiths, it is unlikely you will ever have more than a few minutes to revive a deceased individual.)

So, what do you think?

I created this path as homage to the Anima pillar the OoH (Order of Hermes) had in DA: Mage (Dark Ages Mage). Anima gave a mage the power over life itself, and since the Tremere were once a part of the OoH, I wondered why they never tried to create a path that replicated one of the major abilities they once had when they were mortal mages.They clearly had the abilities to do so, as seen with the Green Path, and Path of Biothaumathurgy, so why not have a power that allows you to manipulate all types of organisms, it would be more powerful than the magic done by hedge mages, but less power than the magic done by true mages.So I created a path that was made to do just that. I didnt include mechanics, but I kind of hinted at the type of knowledge needed to use this power in the description below. You could make your own mechanics, if someone actually decided to use this in a game (which is admittedly, very unlikely).Biolitics was created to replicate some of the powers Clan Tremere once had when they were still mortal mages. Knowledge of the path is heavily restricted not by the Inner Council of Seven, but by its creators. These individuals were former revenants who were bred for the embrace by the clan. Feeling disappointed by powers they believed wasn't worth vampirism, they made the goal of creating their own field of Blood of Magic, starting with Biolitics. This path requires the practitioner to have an indepth knowledge within the field of both Biology and Chemistry. The fact that very few meet these requirements and that this path doesn't sound as exiting as throwing fireballs, makes it that much easier to hide any information of its existance.Biolitics-Diagnosis- Allows an understanding of what kind of biological creature the practitioner is dealing with. They learn about the makeup of the creature, any physical characteristics, any impairments, illnesses, injuries, and anything similar.Almost clay- The subject is almost like clay to the practitioner at this level and can stretch, mold, tighten, and loosen the subject or parts of it to their liking, to a realistic point of course. A skilled practitioner of medicine can severe pain receptors in place of an anesthetic and reattach them when the surgery is done. They can even meld different compatible biological subjects together.*(Please remember however that to keep the subject alive, or at least not crippled, thepractitioner has to make a large number of adjustments to other parts of the body such as the skeleton, nervous system, blood flow, etc. Binding different types of biological specimens such as plants with people is also not advised, if the practitioner is only at this level.)Chemical response- Control the hormones and neurotransmitters of biological organisms to your liking. Using this power too often on the same person may cause issues such as hormonal imbalance. Unlike dominate and presence, this power has a far greater effect on the subject's physical body.DNA manipulation- Manipulate the DNA of any organism. It is good to remember that this power should be taken seriously and is only taught to those who have proven themselves to be responsible individuals.Footsteps of Asclepius- Allows you to revive recently deceased organisms as long as their vessel isn't too damaged, the subject in question will still need immediate care after it is revived. You may also revive them in a cloned, uninhabited vessel if there is one on hand, the time limit still applies in this case as well. If the subject in question turns into a wraith, however, the time limit gets thrown out the window. In this scenario, you can create a brand new body for the wraith to inhabit.*(As a very small minority of people actually have the requirements to turn into wraiths, it is unlikely you will ever have more than a few minutes to revive a deceased individual.)​So, what do you think? https://ift.tt/zkr6JjA https://ift.tt/3xFJBv8
