Lindsay is mentally sick, but still committed murder.

I am educated on postpartum psychosis. I 100% believe the mental state of Lindsay Clancy that night or likely that last 7 months was not herself as Patrick referred to his loving wife that once was. However, I live in duxbury. I am a member of our towns Facebook group where the town truly comes together in tragedy and I love that. But the last two days suddenly the posts switched from feeling sorry for Patrick to everyone changing their profile pictures to hearts that say “LAOL” which stands for “Lindsay’s army of love.” I am behind the support. I do believe that her mental state is compromised and she will feel remorse for what she did. However, despite being mentally ill, she murdered her 3 children. And I say this because if the role was reversed and her husband was diagnosed with a hypothetical case of schizophrenia and murdered his whole family, would we be in as high of support for him despite them both being a mental illness that can cause a break from reality? And yes postpartum psychosis is triggered from hormonal and chemical imbalances after having a baby but everyone is very very quick to suddenly be in defense of her without any diagnosis, or concrete evidence coming forward yet. Do we know if she had mental illness prior? Do we know how severe her PPP was, if she was taking her medication or declining it?! but imagine if Casey Anthony argued the same thing. She claimed she was in a state of shock when she was partying and had no idea her daughter was dead. A state of delusion. Yet we are so quick to condemn her for murder. Calling her a liar etc. the cases are so different but I just am feeling so uneasy by how much support people have for Lindsay. I think the support should be focused more on PPP in general rather than wanting to send her flowers in the hospital which was a suggestion on the duxbury town group.

I feel sorry for her, I really do. But there is a larger picture. Her children are dead and done so in a slow and gruesome way. A way that while caused by mental illness, is still murder. Patrick Clancy’s message was heartbreaking. He lost his children and essentially his wife is now lost too. Patrick needs an army of love. Lindsay still needs nourishment and caring and love and I’m not saying she doesn’t but the support feels like it’s going to the directive.

It’s hard to explain myself. I hope this makes sense. Summarized, I feel sorry for how Lindsay will feel when she comes to reality, but despite it all, most “murderers” suffer from mental illness. Or disassociate while committing. I am open to debate entirely. And frankly I’m not exactly where I stand on this either. I cannot get past how these children were murdered that is the most unsettling part.

I am educated on postpartum psychosis. I 100% believe the mental state of Lindsay Clancy that night or likely that last 7 months was not herself as Patrick referred to his loving wife that once was. However, I live in duxbury. I am a member of our towns Facebook group where the town truly comes together in tragedy and I love that. But the last two days suddenly the posts switched from feeling sorry for Patrick to everyone changing their profile pictures to hearts that say “LAOL” which stands for “Lindsay’s army of love.” I am behind the support. I do believe that her mental state is compromised and she will feel remorse for what she did. However, despite being mentally ill, she murdered her 3 children. And I say this because if the role was reversed and her husband was diagnosed with a hypothetical case of schizophrenia and murdered his whole family, would we be in as high of support for him despite them both being a mental illness that can cause a break from reality? And yes postpartum psychosis is triggered from hormonal and chemical imbalances after having a baby but everyone is very very quick to suddenly be in defense of her without any diagnosis, or concrete evidence coming forward yet. Do we know if she had mental illness prior? Do we know how severe her PPP was, if she was taking her medication or declining it?! but imagine if Casey Anthony argued the same thing. She claimed she was in a state of shock when she was partying and had no idea her daughter was dead. A state of delusion. Yet we are so quick to condemn her for murder. Calling her a liar etc. the cases are so different but I just am feeling so uneasy by how much support people have for Lindsay. I think the support should be focused more on PPP in general rather than wanting to send her flowers in the hospital which was a suggestion on the duxbury town group.I feel sorry for her, I really do. But there is a larger picture. Her children are dead and done so in a slow and gruesome way. A way that while caused by mental illness, is still murder. Patrick Clancy’s message was heartbreaking. He lost his children and essentially his wife is now lost too. Patrick needs an army of love. Lindsay still needs nourishment and caring and love and I’m not saying she doesn’t but the support feels like it’s going to the directive.It’s hard to explain myself. I hope this makes sense. Summarized, I feel sorry for how Lindsay will feel when she comes to reality, but despite it all, most “murderers” suffer from mental illness. Or disassociate while committing. I am open to debate entirely. And frankly I’m not exactly where I stand on this either. I cannot get past how these children were murdered that is the most unsettling part.
