Girlfriend has zero sex drive, except one week a month

My girlfriend and I were very intimate for the first month or so of our relationship. Since then it's gone completely downhill in that department. She told me this has happened with both her prior partners after a little bit. And it's not that she's not attracted to me as she has clarified it's just that she never feels horny except for the week around her period. Like literally zero sex drive so she won't do anything. Does anyone know if this is a hormonal imbalance or have any explanation.

My girlfriend and I were very intimate for the first month or so of our relationship. Since then it's gone completely downhill in that department. She told me this has happened with both her prior partners after a little bit. And it's not that she's not attracted to me as she has clarified it's just that she never feels horny except for the week around her period. Like literally zero sex drive so she won't do anything. Does anyone know if this is a hormonal imbalance or have any explanation.
