Has anyone been in a micro or super low dose treatment? I started isotretinoin on Feb 13 20mg per day only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Wanted to read other people testimonials :)

For more context: I am a 30yo F, I never suffered from acne or oily skin in my teenage years, when I started my very first contraceptive it was a monthly shot and I never experienced any side effects during the years I was on it, when I decided to quit the contraceptive in 2018 I started noticing my skin was becoming oily and I started breaking out. For a couple of years I tried several topic treatments doing "research" by myself, I tried (NOT at the same time) Mandelic Acid, Azelaic Acid, Niacinamide, Salicylic Acid, none of that worked and although my acne wasn't that harsh (objectively speaking seeing other people's cases) my oily skin was and active acne on my cheeks have been affecting me emotionally, it wasn't severe but every month I've been dealing with active acne that gets very inflamed and popps on their own and bleed. I didn't want to go back to an hormonal contraceptive as I never felt it was a real solution to my problem.

I decided to go to a dermatologist, and she prescribed a mix cream, it contained Adapalene and Benzoyl Peroxide (I don't remember the %), of course sunscreen and a hydrating lotion and Spironolactone (I think it was like 100mg per day). The mix cream and Spironolactone worked for a while clearing out my active acne but not completely and I was still feeling my skin very oily. I stopped taking that treatment as I wasn't happy wit the results.

In 2022 I was also diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that affects my thyroid gland which causes a hormonal imbalance and my endocrinologist along with my now dermatologist think my acne, oily skin (and well other symptoms) are caused by this disease. My derm recommended me this February to suspend any products or treatments except for hyaluronic acid, a hydrating lotion special for oily skin and sunscreen and prescribed 20 mg of Isotretioin explaining to me all side effects that may occur, I have to take it with lunch every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She says my acne isn't that severe, so a micro dose could work for me, and in April I have a control appointment to check my results. She also prescribed a mix lotion of Glycolic Acid 10% and Hydroquinone 2% to help with the hyperpigmentation and scars from past acne, and an oral contraceptive (I wasn't very happy with this as I have to deal with my hormonal imbalance and take a daily medication for my thyroid disease, but my derm said it could help to prevent harsh reactions like heavy purging and stuff like that and preventing pregnancy was also a necessary precaution).

I was wondering if someone else was or is in a similar low dose treatment, and how it went or is going for you?

Thanks guys have a nice day, and may your skin be flawless :)

For more context: I am a 30yo F, I never suffered from acne or oily skin in my teenage years, when I started my very first contraceptive it was a monthly shot and I never experienced any side effects during the years I was on it, when I decided to quit the contraceptive in 2018 I started noticing my skin was becoming oily and I started breaking out. For a couple of years I tried several topic treatments doing "research" by myself, I tried (NOT at the same time) Mandelic Acid, Azelaic Acid, Niacinamide, Salicylic Acid, none of that worked and although my acne wasn't that harsh (objectively speaking seeing other people's cases) my oily skin was and active acne on my cheeks have been affecting me emotionally, it wasn't severe but every month I've been dealing with active acne that gets very inflamed and popps on their own and bleed. I didn't want to go back to an hormonal contraceptive as I never felt it was a real solution to my problem.I decided to go to a dermatologist, and she prescribed a mix cream, it contained Adapalene and Benzoyl Peroxide (I don't remember the %), of course sunscreen and a hydrating lotion and Spironolactone (I think it was like 100mg per day). The mix cream and Spironolactone worked for a while clearing out my active acne but not completely and I was still feeling my skin very oily. I stopped taking that treatment as I wasn't happy wit the results.In 2022 I was also diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that affects my thyroid gland which causes a hormonal imbalance and my endocrinologist along with my now dermatologist think my acne, oily skin (and well other symptoms) are caused by this disease. My derm recommended me this February to suspend any products or treatments except for hyaluronic acid, a hydrating lotion special for oily skin and sunscreen and prescribed 20 mg of Isotretioin explaining to me all side effects that may occur, I have to take it with lunch every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She says my acne isn't that severe, so a micro dose could work for me, and in April I have a control appointment to check my results. She also prescribed a mix lotion of Glycolic Acid 10% and Hydroquinone 2% to help with the hyperpigmentation and scars from past acne, and an oral contraceptive (I wasn't very happy with this as I have to deal with my hormonal imbalance and take a daily medication for my thyroid disease, but my derm said it could help to prevent harsh reactions like heavy purging and stuff like that and preventing pregnancy was also a necessary precaution).I was wondering if someone else was or is in a similar low dose treatment, and how it went or is going for you?Thanks guys have a nice day, and may your skin be flawless :) https://ift.tt/xwEzWcM https://ift.tt/dCzx1HP
