Impact of lifestyle and diet on PCOS?

I have been diagnosed with PCOS. My GYN just prescribed me on hormonal birthcontrol. I want to come off birth control for the sake of my personal wellbeing/health, not to conceive. Off hormonal birthcontrol, I have mild symptoms: acne and lack of regular menstrual cycles.

I've read a lot of articles online regarding change in lifestyle and diet to address PCOS. I think I'm confused exactly how diet and exercise affects PCOS. I completely understand that these changes would impact our issues with insulin and metabolism. However, how does lifestyle and diet target the hormonal imbalances? Would it help me get regular cycles?

I have been diagnosed with PCOS. My GYN just prescribed me on hormonal birthcontrol. I want to come off birth control for the sake of my personal wellbeing/health, not to conceive. Off hormonal birthcontrol, I have mild symptoms: acne and lack of regular menstrual cycles.I've read a lot of articles online regarding change in lifestyle and diet to address PCOS. I think I'm confused exactly how diet and exercise affects PCOS. I completely understand that these changes would impact our issues with insulin and metabolism. However, how does lifestyle and diet target the hormonal imbalances? Would it help me get regular cycles?
