Question about new BC

Hi everyone! I’m a teenager who’s been taking birth control (yaz) for a couple years to help with hormonal acne/imbalance. A couple days ago my mom went to pick up the new pack after I ran out, and the packet of pills is completely different than the ones I’m used to. She got it from a different pharmacy than usual, so could that possibly be the reasoning for different packaging? It has the typical pink + white pills, but I’m nervous as my mom has a habit of buying ‘knock off’ items, ie. contact lens. I just want to make sure I’m taking the correct kind (yaz) and am super worried I’m about to break out or have other bad side effects.

Any help/knowledge is appreciated! I’m pretty much clueless haha.

Hi everyone! I’m a teenager who’s been taking birth control (yaz) for a couple years to help with hormonal acne/imbalance. A couple days ago my mom went to pick up the new pack after I ran out, and the packet of pills is completely different than the ones I’m used to. She got it from a different pharmacy than usual, so could that possibly be the reasoning for different packaging? It has the typical pink + white pills, but I’m nervous as my mom has a habit of buying ‘knock off’ items, ie. contact lens. I just want to make sure I’m taking the correct kind (yaz) and am super worried I’m about to break out or have other bad side effects.Any help/knowledge is appreciated! I’m pretty much clueless haha.
