Would it be safe to get a COVID booster after a weird reaction from the first shots?

F26, 4'10", 95lbs, GERD, hormonal acne/imbalance

Medications/supplements: MSM for inflammation, inositol for hormones/acne; i was on spironolactone at the time of the incident for the same

I got my first COVID shots in April of 2021, the Pfizer one. The first part was ok, just some soreness; the second shot, however, was really rough, and now I'm afriad to ever get one again. I got the normal extreme arm soreness & flu-like symptoms, but I also had these really weird symptoms that I can barely explain.

First, my entire body itched head to toe for about a week straight. Like a deep, burning itch that nothing could satisfy, on every single inch of my body. I'd take the hottest possible showers I could day & night bc that was the only thing that helped even a little bit. I could barely sleep bc I was just so itchy. I never had a rash either, so I really don't understand what that was.

After that, I broke out into itchy ant bite-like sores all over my lips, mouth, throat, and a few on my hands and the tops of my feet. This occurred about every two weeks after that for several months. Possibly herpes? I still get them now but it's way milder and every couple of months.

My period also acted wonky, but I know that's common.

I'm terrified of getting a booster bc my reaction was just so strange and idk anyone else who experienced something similar. But I do want to get one bc I finally got COVID in July 2022 and I'm only just now recovering from the extreme fatigue and exercise intolerance...I just want to protect myself, but I don't know if I can handle being that itchy again, especially because I don't know why I reacted that way. ;__;

F26, 4'10", 95lbs, GERD, hormonal acne/imbalanceMedications/supplements: MSM for inflammation, inositol for hormones/acne; i was on spironolactone at the time of the incident for the sameI got my first COVID shots in April of 2021, the Pfizer one. The first part was ok, just some soreness; the second shot, however, was really rough, and now I'm afriad to ever get one again. I got the normal extreme arm soreness & flu-like symptoms, but I also had these really weird symptoms that I can barely explain.First, my entire body itched head to toe for about a week straight. Like a deep, burning itch that nothing could satisfy, on every single inch of my body. I'd take the hottest possible showers I could day & night bc that was the only thing that helped even a little bit. I could barely sleep bc I was just so itchy. I never had a rash either, so I really don't understand what that was.After that, I broke out into itchy ant bite-like sores all over my lips, mouth, throat, and a few on my hands and the tops of my feet. This occurred about every two weeks after that for several months. Possibly herpes? I still get them now but it's way milder and every couple of months.My period also acted wonky, but I know that's common.I'm terrified of getting a booster bc my reaction was just so strange and idk anyone else who experienced something similar. But I do want to get one bc I finally got COVID in July 2022 and I'm only just now recovering from the extreme fatigue and exercise intolerance...I just want to protect myself, but I don't know if I can handle being that itchy again, especially because I don't know why I reacted that way. ;__; https://ift.tt/zvfjwOU https://ift.tt/zMjRNOY
