Born with undiagnosed hormone imbalance?

So this is tmi but I have been “masturbating” since I was born. I am a female, 18 years old. For as long as I can remember… 2 years old, I have been masturbating in shorter words. When I was born my mom noticed I would rub my private are against my diaper and I have A LOT OF HAIR, doctors also noticed the amount of hair I had in my private area as a new born. Doctors told my mom I had too many hormones. My parents were non English speaking immigrants so this kinda explains to me why my mom doesn’t remember or know much else of what they told her. When I was 14 I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease hyperthyroidism. I am very very tall, 5’11 and have always been tall. My grandpa is tall as well but I’m the only female of the whole extended family that came out extremely tall /taller than most males in my family. I’m currently getting tested for adhd as well bc I’ve always had signs of it (mentioning this incase it might be relative) Anyways…. All this information is because I recently learned that a different hormone imbalance that might be overlooked or disregarded (not even looked at) can cause hyperthyroidism. Please help, I’m starting to think that perhaps I was born with something else that might be causing my autoimmunity? Idk the body is so broad and powerful.

So this is tmi but I have been “masturbating” since I was born. I am a female, 18 years old. For as long as I can remember… 2 years old, I have been masturbating in shorter words. When I was born my mom noticed I would rub my private are against my diaper and I have A LOT OF HAIR, doctors also noticed the amount of hair I had in my private area as a new born. Doctors told my mom I had too many hormones. My parents were non English speaking immigrants so this kinda explains to me why my mom doesn’t remember or know much else of what they told her. When I was 14 I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease hyperthyroidism. I am very very tall, 5’11 and have always been tall. My grandpa is tall as well but I’m the only female of the whole extended family that came out extremely tall /taller than most males in my family. I’m currently getting tested for adhd as well bc I’ve always had signs of it (mentioning this incase it might be relative) Anyways…. All this information is because I recently learned that a different hormone imbalance that might be overlooked or disregarded (not even looked at) can cause hyperthyroidism. Please help, I’m starting to think that perhaps I was born with something else that might be causing my autoimmunity? Idk the body is so broad and powerful.
