Craving spicy food

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 10 years old. I’m 28 now, and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I will admit that a large part of this is due to my emotional eating, but I’ve been working to improve that. I’m currently on 137 mcg of Levothyroxine and 0.5 mg/week of Ozempic (my insurance tragically doesn’t cover any higher doses). The weight has been coming off, albeit slowly. I’ve been making an effort to eat better and exercise more because I know I’ll eventually plateau on this dose of Ozempic. Interestingly, over the last two weeks or so, I’ve suddenly developed an affinity for spicy food that didn’t exist previously. My lunches and dinners have been drenched in hot sauce. I’m not at all mad about it, but I did get to wondering. After doing a little ‘research’ on Google, I’ve learned that a sudden craving for spicy foods can indicate a few things. The two that really stood out to me were that eating less sugar and salt can induce a craving for spiciness, and that that craving can also suggest a sluggish metabolism due to a hormonal imbalance. I last had my TSH levels checked in January and they were normal. Usually I’d do this every six months, but I’m now concerned my levels are off. Has anyone else encountered this? Should I get blood work done again or is it possible that I’m just craving spicy food due to my change in diet? I am definitely not pregnant either.

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 10 years old. I’m 28 now, and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I will admit that a large part of this is due to my emotional eating, but I’ve been working to improve that. I’m currently on 137 mcg of Levothyroxine and 0.5 mg/week of Ozempic (my insurance tragically doesn’t cover any higher doses). The weight has been coming off, albeit slowly. I’ve been making an effort to eat better and exercise more because I know I’ll eventually plateau on this dose of Ozempic. Interestingly, over the last two weeks or so, I’ve suddenly developed an affinity for spicy food that didn’t exist previously. My lunches and dinners have been drenched in hot sauce. I’m not at all mad about it, but I did get to wondering. After doing a little ‘research’ on Google, I’ve learned that a sudden craving for spicy foods can indicate a few things. The two that really stood out to me were that eating less sugar and salt can induce a craving for spiciness, and that that craving can also suggest a sluggish metabolism due to a hormonal imbalance. I last had my TSH levels checked in January and they were normal. Usually I’d do this every six months, but I’m now concerned my levels are off. Has anyone else encountered this? Should I get blood work done again or is it possible that I’m just craving spicy food due to my change in diet? I am definitely not pregnant either.
