Female hormonal imbalance (PMDD, mild AGA hair loss) and signs of high cortisol in luteal phase (extreme water retention)

I’m at my wits ends and I’m trying to make sense of what is going on with me. Im not a doctor or a biologist so I don’t totally understand how all of these hormones and pathways are related, but from what I’ve pieced together it seems like I have some issues with female sex hormones, cortisol, and possibly blood glucose. Which of these imbalances influence the other (i.e, estrogen and insulin) I don’t really understand, but im trying to figure it out since numerous doctors over years have been entirely unhelpful.

I suffer from extreme, debilitating premenstrual symptoms. Im talking suicidal, irrational thoughts, insomnia, extreme bloating, sugar cravings, sore boobs, extreme fatigue, face so puffy that I look like a different person, etc. I also have some mild hair loss and miniaturization that is almost certainly AGA. Very very dry skin as well which I know can be due to low estrogen.

I eat pretty well and exercise. I do eat too much sugar and too many carbs for someone who has possible PCOS/ insulin resistance but I’m working on it.

What supplements should I look into along with lifestyle changes? I just started taking D3+K2, and I ordered myo-inositol. Considering berberine as well. Maybe iron for hair loss and bruising. I’m desperate, I can’t live like this I legitimately have one good week per month. All doctors have dismissed me, one saying this is normal because I’m fertile. One offered me zoloft. The last doc refused progesterone because of affiliation with the Catholic Church (I also don’t even want to try hormones if I can avoid it)

I’m at my wits ends and I’m trying to make sense of what is going on with me. Im not a doctor or a biologist so I don’t totally understand how all of these hormones and pathways are related, but from what I’ve pieced together it seems like I have some issues with female sex hormones, cortisol, and possibly blood glucose. Which of these imbalances influence the other (i.e, estrogen and insulin) I don’t really understand, but im trying to figure it out since numerous doctors over years have been entirely unhelpful. I suffer from extreme, debilitating premenstrual symptoms. Im talking suicidal, irrational thoughts, insomnia, extreme bloating, sugar cravings, sore boobs, extreme fatigue, face so puffy that I look like a different person, etc. I also have some mild hair loss and miniaturization that is almost certainly AGA. Very very dry skin as well which I know can be due to low estrogen.I eat pretty well and exercise. I do eat too much sugar and too many carbs for someone who has possible PCOS/ insulin resistance but I’m working on it. What supplements should I look into along with lifestyle changes? I just started taking D3+K2, and I ordered myo-inositol. Considering berberine as well. Maybe iron for hair loss and bruising. I’m desperate, I can’t live like this I legitimately have one good week per month. All doctors have dismissed me, one saying this is normal because I’m fertile. One offered me zoloft. The last doc refused progesterone because of affiliation with the Catholic Church (I also don’t even want to try hormones if I can avoid it) https://ift.tt/m5hzOca https://ift.tt/zmZN85U
