Hair loss

I am 15 year old turning 16 this year

In may 2021 my friend noticed that I was losing hair, and that was the first time I found out. Ever since I have been losing hair everyday. Some period of time I have been losing very little. But since summer 2022 I have been losing a lot of hair everyday. I went to the doctor twice bc of mye hairloss. The doctor told me «I have never had any patients that have lost all their hair, and got bald. So you have nothing to worry about».

So it is not confirmed that I have pcos. But my symptoms are as i mentioned hair loss, hair growth on my face and literally all over my body(chest, back, stomach, thigh, arm, leg) I do get hungry after 1 hour eating a meal. I have had a lot of acne, but my skin is mostly Clear now. I do get breakout sometimes but it does not bother me that much anymore. I have a black Line called «Nigra Line». I searched online that it is Linked to hormon imbalance aka pcos (but the Line does not bother me ) I have yellow/brown spot in my eye and i reaserched online that the melanin production is effected by hormon imbalance aka pcos. I do Get my period every month so that is were i am confuced, bc people with pcos do not Get their period? I think. I have a lot of stretchmarks(behind knee, on the thigh)

But my biggest problem is hair loss. I am south asian and I have always had extremly thick hair. Losing so much hair has effected me a lot. I wish that I can brush my hair or wash my hair without seing a lot of hair falling:/my hair is very thin now, and I think i have lost half of my hair or maybe that is to extreme. But VERY MUCH

I know I should go to the doctor but I am afraid of not being taken serious and my parents says it is a waste of time

Is their any vitamin I should take for the hair loss, or certain food to eat?workout? My weight is 59kg and I am 167cm 130 pounds and 5’6 feet ( I dont know if it is right)

English is my third language so sorry for spelling mistakes.

I am 15 year old turning 16 this yearIn may 2021 my friend noticed that I was losing hair, and that was the first time I found out. Ever since I have been losing hair everyday. Some period of time I have been losing very little. But since summer 2022 I have been losing a lot of hair everyday. I went to the doctor twice bc of mye hairloss. The doctor told me «I have never had any patients that have lost all their hair, and got bald. So you have nothing to worry about». So it is not confirmed that I have pcos. But my symptoms are as i mentioned hair loss, hair growth on my face and literally all over my body(chest, back, stomach, thigh, arm, leg) I do get hungry after 1 hour eating a meal. I have had a lot of acne, but my skin is mostly Clear now. I do get breakout sometimes but it does not bother me that much anymore. I have a black Line called «Nigra Line». I searched online that it is Linked to hormon imbalance aka pcos (but the Line does not bother me ) I have yellow/brown spot in my eye and i reaserched online that the melanin production is effected by hormon imbalance aka pcos. I do Get my period every month so that is were i am confuced, bc people with pcos do not Get their period? I think. I have a lot of stretchmarks(behind knee, on the thigh)But my biggest problem is hair loss. I am south asian and I have always had extremly thick hair. Losing so much hair has effected me a lot. I wish that I can brush my hair or wash my hair without seing a lot of hair falling:/my hair is very thin now, and I think i have lost half of my hair or maybe that is to extreme. But VERY MUCHI know I should go to the doctor but I am afraid of not being taken serious and my parents says it is a waste of timeIs their any vitamin I should take for the hair loss, or certain food to eat?workout? My weight is 59kg and I am 167cm130 pounds and 5’6 feet ( I dont know if it is right)English is my third language so sorry for spelling mistakes.
