Has anyone has long term hormonal effects/imbalances after being on Yaz (or other similar combo pills) for an extended period of time?

Kind of long backstory but I've been on Yaz over 10 years because my periods were very heavy and long (10+ days of soaking overnight pads). Until about 3 years ago I was fine, it worked. I my periods never went over 5 days and I wasn't losing excessive amounts of blood but around late 2019 and throughout 2020 I began to notice my periods were getting irregular. At one time I went 3 months without a period (I was not pregnant and still on birth control). I went off my birth control and when i got my period again i went to my doctor because we were wanting to try conceiving. Her course of action was to put me back on birth control to level out my periods then go off 3 or 4 months later and take ovulation tests. January 2021 I started back on birth control, April I went off and I was taking ovulation tests. It took until August to conceive. Now i'm almost 1 year post partum, I've been on movisse since September (Yaz reduced my breastmilk supply) but since January I noticed my cycles getting longer and longer and my cramps are stronger. Early April I was put on Alesse which brings me to now. I've been talking to a few people with hormone imbalances (PCOS mainly) and they said my symptoms (cycles getting longer, easily irritated, they noticed my new skin tags to name a few) are very similar to what they went through. I was trying to see if theres any link to extended birth control use and hormonal imbalances but everywhere I read it just says it's safe so I'm reaching out on reddit to see if anyone else has experienced this too after longterm use. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to discuss this and hopefully get testing.

Kind of long backstory but I've been on Yaz over 10 years because my periods were very heavy and long (10+ days of soaking overnight pads). Until about 3 years ago I was fine, it worked. I my periods never went over 5 days and I wasn't losing excessive amounts of blood but around late 2019 and throughout 2020 I began to notice my periods were getting irregular. At one time I went 3 months without a period (I was not pregnant and still on birth control). I went off my birth control and when i got my period again i went to my doctor because we were wanting to try conceiving. Her course of action was to put me back on birth control to level out my periods then go off 3 or 4 months later and take ovulation tests. January 2021 I started back on birth control, April I went off and I was taking ovulation tests. It took until August to conceive. Now i'm almost 1 year post partum, I've been on movisse since September (Yaz reduced my breastmilk supply) but since January I noticed my cycles getting longer and longer and my cramps are stronger. Early April I was put on Alesse which brings me to now. I've been talking to a few people with hormone imbalances (PCOS mainly) and they said my symptoms (cycles getting longer, easily irritated, they noticed my new skin tags to name a few) are very similar to what they went through. I was trying to see if theres any link to extended birth control use and hormonal imbalances but everywhere I read it just says it's safe so I'm reaching out on reddit to see if anyone else has experienced this too after longterm use. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to discuss this and hopefully get testing. https://ift.tt/8DUf6mW https://ift.tt/sT0OwUf
