Help me get this weight off my chest, it makes it hard to breathe

Hi, I'm Mikey. I'm a gendernonconforming person assigned female at birth that lives with chronic pain and works their ass off.

Since I was 9 I have had breast pain and growth that was way more advanced than for that age. It led to years of eating disorders hoping they'd shrink, as well as taking substances so I'd remain skinny. My breast ratio never changed. Now that I'm recovered from substance abuse I realize I've had PCOS, an imbalance in my hormones. I've adopted an anti-inflammatory diet that works for me, but I have chronic fibromyalgia and mastalgia that affects my daily life. I already have my date set for 6/8/23 but I also need to factor in non-surgical related costs like a mastectomy pillow, taking time off work, etc.

I'd really appreciate even $1 or $5 just to know someone truly cares.

The place I'm getting the surgery at told me they're gonna test for CBD and kratom and that I have to stop taking my omega 3s...lots of natural things that help my pain. I've been taking tumeric and collagen with tea but the pain is so bad I can barely focus on things I love.

Again thank you to anyone who has read this far

Hi, I'm Mikey. I'm a gendernonconforming person assigned female at birth that lives with chronic pain and works their ass off. Since I was 9 I have had breast pain and growth that was way more advanced than for that age. It led to years of eating disorders hoping they'd shrink, as well as taking substances so I'd remain skinny. My breast ratio never changed. Now that I'm recovered from substance abuse I realize I've had PCOS, an imbalance in my hormones. I've adopted an anti-inflammatory diet that works for me, but I have chronic fibromyalgia and mastalgia that affects my daily life. I already have my date set for 6/8/23 but I also need to factor in non-surgical related costs like a mastectomy pillow, taking time off work, etc. I'd really appreciate even $1 or $5 just to know someone truly cares. The place I'm getting the surgery at told me they're gonna test for CBD and kratom and that I have to stop taking my omega 3s...lots of natural things that help my pain. I've been taking tumeric and collagen with tea but the pain is so bad I can barely focus on things I love. Again thank you to anyone who has read this far
