Is there a chance dermoid cysts are somehow related to pcos?

I just found out I have an 8cm dermoid cyst on one of my ovaries… this type of cysts is really disgusting as it can contain hair, teeth and even eyes sometimes so just hearing this news and thinking that is inside of me really freaked me out. Anyway i’ve also been diagnosed with hashimotos (ages agos) and more recently pcos, although the pcos was not a 100% diagnosis as I dont have many typical symptoms and the bloods were borderline. I have now had strange hormonal symptoms for years that cannot be fully explained by either the pcos or the thyroid problem. When I first heard of this cyst I thought finally an answer, this must be what was causing my health issues. But the gyno told me that these cysts dont really cause any hormonal imbalances and the only reason it has to be removed is because it got so big and could burst. Im wondering if the science so far might have gotten it wrong. I mean we all know how little studies were historically done on womens health… could it maybe be that pcos is somehow related or that I actually dont have pcos and its just this cysts that has been messign with my hormones? Did anyone here have a cyst like this removed and some of ther hormonal symptoms improved after? Its hard for me to imagine that this monstrous cyst has been growing inside of me for years and is basically twice the size od my ovary, is not causing any actual health issues. I mean can an ovary even function well with such a thing stuck to it??

I just found out I have an 8cm dermoid cyst on one of my ovaries… this type of cysts is really disgusting as it can contain hair, teeth and even eyes sometimes so just hearing this news and thinking that is inside of me really freaked me out. Anyway i’ve also been diagnosed with hashimotos (ages agos) and more recently pcos, although the pcos was not a 100% diagnosis as I dont have many typical symptoms and the bloods were borderline. I have now had strange hormonal symptoms for years that cannot be fully explained by either the pcos or the thyroid problem. When I first heard of this cyst I thought finally an answer, this must be what was causing my health issues. But the gyno told me that these cysts dont really cause any hormonal imbalances and the only reason it has to be removed is because it got so big and could burst. Im wondering if the science so far might have gotten it wrong. I mean we all know how little studies were historically done on womens health… could it maybe be that pcos is somehow related or that I actually dont have pcos and its just this cysts that has been messign with my hormones? Did anyone here have a cyst like this removed and some of ther hormonal symptoms improved after? Its hard for me to imagine that this monstrous cyst has been growing inside of me for years and is basically twice the size od my ovary, is not causing any actual health issues. I mean can an ovary even function well with such a thing stuck to it??
