Pre-IUD Removal

After using Kyleena since Dec 2021 and will be removing it this week since my long-term relationship has ended. I've been realizing/accepting it has been causing intense mood swings (suicidal 1-2 weeks before my period), and a burning pee sensation/itchiness even though my tests come back negative for yeast infection, STD/STI, UTI.

I'm due for a swab soon but have been told that may be caused due to a hormonal imbalance.

Has anyone experienced such symptoms while on Kyleena? What has your experience been during the removal?

After using Kyleena since Dec 2021 and will be removing it this week since my long-term relationship has ended. I've been realizing/accepting it has been causing intense mood swings (suicidal 1-2 weeks before my period), and a burning pee sensation/itchiness even though my tests come back negative for yeast infection, STD/STI, UTI. I'm due for a swab soon but have been told that may be caused due to a hormonal imbalance. Has anyone experienced such symptoms while on Kyleena? What has your experience been during the removal?
