Women of Reddit, please help

I’ll dive right into it. I’m new here (hello you beautiful people :)) and honestly it’s been really hard to find a community where I can talk about this. If anyone relates, let me know, please. I hate feeling so alone.

I (21f) was on nexplanon for about seven months; I practically begged my OBGYN to get it out of my arm because while on it, I developed severe chest pain and thought I was d*ing (this was during COVID so it was hard to get a hold of any doctor). After getting it out, I have had constant inflammation in my rib cage called costochondritis, and it has been an absolute living hell. It has caused my anxiety and panic to spike so high because I didn’t know what it was until almost a year later. And due to being broke and my family writing it off as me overreacting, I decided to wait to see another doctor.

Jumping in. My blood results are perfectly fine, except for every sign that deals with inflammation. Monocytes, lymphocytes, you name it. Through the gd charts. It’s been two years since my first flare up and quite frankly, I don’t know what else to do. The anxiety causes tension headaches and dizziness and the hormonal imbalances cause additional inflammation and migraines. And jumping into the costochondritis is a beast amongst itself. It’s either I down a bottle of painkillers and risk more problems or live in agony. And every OBGYN and general practitioner will either tell me to go on BC or hand me a Xanax prescription.

I don’t mean for this to be long winded. But women of Reddit, please, if you have any advice, I would absolutely love to hear it. Please take care y’all :))

I’ll dive right into it. I’m new here (hello you beautiful people :)) and honestly it’s been really hard to find a community where I can talk about this. If anyone relates, let me know, please. I hate feeling so alone.I (21f) was on nexplanon for about seven months; I practically begged my OBGYN to get it out of my arm because while on it, I developed severe chest pain and thought I was d*ing (this was during COVID so it was hard to get a hold of any doctor). After getting it out, I have had constant inflammation in my rib cage called costochondritis, and it has been an absolute living hell. It has caused my anxiety and panic to spike so high because I didn’t know what it was until almost a year later. And due to being broke and my family writing it off as me overreacting, I decided to wait to see another doctor.Jumping in. My blood results are perfectly fine, except for every sign that deals with inflammation. Monocytes, lymphocytes, you name it. Through the gd charts. It’s been two years since my first flare up and quite frankly, I don’t know what else to do. The anxiety causes tension headaches and dizziness and the hormonal imbalances cause additional inflammation and migraines. And jumping into the costochondritis is a beast amongst itself. It’s either I down a bottle of painkillers and risk more problems or live in agony. And every OBGYN and general practitioner will either tell me to go on BC or hand me a Xanax prescription.I don’t mean for this to be long winded. But women of Reddit, please, if you have any advice, I would absolutely love to hear it. Please take care y’all :)) https://ift.tt/7hnAeNU https://ift.tt/k60V5Gb
