Being stealth at school? Wtf do I do???

I'm a trans guy who's going to be in year 10 (in England), in a new school at the start of September. I've never had the opportunity to live as myself in a school environment, and god, I'm excited but also terrified.

I really want to stay stealth, despite being pre-t at the moment. I know that when it comes to the administration and maybe the teachers, that's impossible. However, I want to be completely stealth to other students. I don't have my legal name changed yet and I don't know if I can request my chosen name to be on the class roster so my dead name is not read out. I know I could simply ask the teachers to not read it out, but I'm worried about the one off chance that there's going to be a substitute or if someone accidently fucks up and reads my dead name.

In terms of how I look, I have a masculine haircut, I have a hormone imbalance and I'm South Asian so my body and facial hair (technically peach fuzz but there's quite a lot of it) is black and fairly obvious, and I have a masculine face. I'm barely 5'5 but I'm buying some shoe heighters that add on 2 inches, so that should help. My voice is fairly deep but not particularly male, however I'm working on that and making decent progress. Every time I go out in public, most random people refer to me as a guy when they glance at me, even in pretty conservative parts of the country I've visited.

That being said, I'm worried about my chest. My chest is quite big without a binder and somewhat noticible even with binding, and that wouldn't really be a problem if my school uniform required a blazer (a lot of schools in the UK do that). Instead, they require a V neck sweater which I'm not sure is baggy enough, so that makes me a little anxious. On top of that, I don't know what to do about P.E because I need my binder on and I cant obviously exercise in that. Is it possible for schools to allow trans students to not do P.E during class time, and instead at the end of the day on their own without a binder or something? I'm not sure if that's allowed.

Also, my hips and butt are big. Maybe it's dysphoria talking but I don't know. Does anyone know a decent workout routine (for broader shoulders or reducing chest size or hip size) that would give me even a little bit of progress in a few weeks?

I skipped the entirety of year 9 due to bad mental health because I used to be in a transphobic muslim girls school, so I have a whole year worth of content to catch up on, on top of GCSE stuff. I know I should be focusing on that but I just really want to be stealth too :(

I've emailed the new school a while ago with a few short questions one or two times, and they haven't replied, so I'm pretty nervous still.

I know half of this was rambling lmao, but any help is appreciated.

I'm a trans guy who's going to be in year 10 (in England), in a new school at the start of September. I've never had the opportunity to live as myself in a school environment, and god, I'm excited but also terrified.I really want to stay stealth, despite being pre-t at the moment. I know that when it comes to the administration and maybe the teachers, that's impossible. However, I want to be completely stealth to other students. I don't have my legal name changed yet and I don't know if I can request my chosen name to be on the class roster so my dead name is not read out. I know I could simply ask the teachers to not read it out, but I'm worried about the one off chance that there's going to be a substitute or if someone accidently fucks up and reads my dead name.In terms of how I look, I have a masculine haircut, I have a hormone imbalance and I'm South Asian so my body and facial hair (technically peach fuzz but there's quite a lot of it) is black and fairly obvious, and I have a masculine face. I'm barely 5'5 but I'm buying some shoe heighters that add on 2 inches, so that should help. My voice is fairly deep but not particularly male, however I'm working on that and making decent progress. Every time I go out in public, most random people refer to me as a guy when they glance at me, even in pretty conservative parts of the country I've visited. That being said, I'm worried about my chest. My chest is quite big without a binder and somewhat noticible even with binding, and that wouldn't really be a problem if my school uniform required a blazer (a lot of schools in the UK do that). Instead, they require a V neck sweater which I'm not sure is baggy enough, so that makes me a little anxious. On top of that, I don't know what to do about P.E because I need my binder on and I cant obviously exercise in that. Is it possible for schools to allow trans students to not do P.E during class time, and instead at the end of the day on their own without a binder or something? I'm not sure if that's allowed.Also, my hips and butt are big. Maybe it's dysphoria talking but I don't know. Does anyone know a decent workout routine (for broader shoulders or reducing chest size or hip size) that would give me even a little bit of progress in a few weeks?I skipped the entirety of year 9 due to bad mental health because I used to be in a transphobic muslim girls school, so I have a whole year worth of content to catch up on, on top of GCSE stuff. I know I should be focusing on that but I just really want to be stealth too :(I've emailed the new school a while ago with a few short questions one or two times, and they haven't replied, so I'm pretty nervous still.I know half of this was rambling lmao, but any help is appreciated.
