Ladies of r/loseit I noticed something interesting in my daily logging wanted to see if you guys experience the same re: cycle fluctuations

I have been very diligent about tracking my weight, run times, calories intake, and cycle over the last 4 months. I've also been experimenting with intermittent fasting, mostly just 16:9s.

I was watching a video about fasting that was talking about how women shouldn't fast more than 12 hours during the luteal phase of their cycle (post ovulation until first day of bleeding. So basically, the second half of the cycle.

Thats because fasting impedes the production of progesterone, the other hormone that we need for our cycles.

I have been looking at the mapping of the hormones on this article almost daily, because my cycle is pretty aligned with this (28-29 days).

So right after ovulation concludes, about 16 days after you first bled on your last period, your body starts producing progesterone and continues to for about a week. So let's say it concludes around day 22.

Looking back at my data, I noticed that I always tick up on the scale a bit between weeks 2-3 on my cycle. I was also clocking worse run times and eating more. But around day 22, I would shed that and dip maybe 1/2-1 pound compared to the week prior and stay there during the week leading up to my period.

I would also clock a 2lb uptick basically the day before I started me period, that would subside over the next 3 days.

In other words, there's actually 2 humps related to the cycle. One between 2-3 weeks, and one immediately preceding the beginning of the cycle. I think progesterone production makes us kinda low energy and lethargic. but once sufficient levels are reached, we get a week of calm before the actually bleeding happens.

I just found it helpful to know so that i dont get discouraged when I see that uptick even though my period is still a ways away. Because going back 4 months, I can see that little uptick between weeks 2-3 every time, before a small drop, then second, larger but shorter lived uptick immediate preceding my period.

I was wondering if anyone else doing daily tracking saw a similar pattern. weight uptick between weeks 2-3 of cycle, drop, then another uptick right before period starts, then drop.

If so, it could mean that the 2 weeks after our period start are the best for more rigorous training and fasting, whereas in the second half, we should go easier.

I have been very diligent about tracking my weight, run times, calories intake, and cycle over the last 4 months. I've also been experimenting with intermittent fasting, mostly just 16:9s. I was watching a video about fasting that was talking about how women shouldn't fast more than 12 hours during the luteal phase of their cycle (post ovulation until first day of bleeding. So basically, the second half of the cycle. Thats because fasting impedes the production of progesterone, the other hormone that we need for our cycles. I have been looking at the mapping of the hormones on this article almost daily, because my cycle is pretty aligned with this (28-29 days). So right after ovulation concludes, about 16 days after you first bled on your last period, your body starts producing progesterone and continues to for about a week. So let's say it concludes around day 22. Looking back at my data, I noticed that I always tick up on the scale a bit between weeks 2-3 on my cycle. I was also clocking worse run times and eating more. But around day 22, I would shed that and dip maybe 1/2-1 pound compared to the week prior and stay there during the week leading up to my period. I would also clock a 2lb uptick basically the day before I started me period, that would subside over the next 3 days. In other words, there's actually 2 humps related to the cycle. One between 2-3 weeks, and one immediately preceding the beginning of the cycle. I think progesterone production makes us kinda low energy and lethargic. but once sufficient levels are reached, we get a week of calm before the actually bleeding happens. I just found it helpful to know so that i dont get discouraged when I see that uptick even though my period is still a ways away. Because going back 4 months, I can see that little uptick between weeks 2-3 every time, before a small drop, then second, larger but shorter lived uptick immediate preceding my period. I was wondering if anyone else doing daily tracking saw a similar pattern. weight uptick between weeks 2-3 of cycle, drop, then another uptick right before period starts, then drop. If so, it could mean that the 2 weeks after our period start are the best for more rigorous training and fasting, whereas in the second half, we should go easier. ​
