My face is deformed making me look super weird and ugly and I cant afford to fix anytime soon

I checked my face though multiple angles and even went to the dentist who confirmed my TMJ and I realized I have a strangely shaped face likeI have a deformity or something. I don’t even know why people I had some pictures of myself when I was 12-13, and I looked normal even then. I even had braces.

Ever since my wisdom teeth got removed, it looked like my facial features went downhill from there.

I woke up one day in covid and realized HALF of my face was numb and almost paralyzed. I didn’t realize it until I was doing practice interviews on my webcam and noticed I WAS ONLY SPEAKING WITH ONE SIDE OF MY MOUTH!!

Since then I have been trying to have better posture and use both sides of my face and body in general, but it is not really helping. And one side of my jaw is really developed and juts out while the other is recessed and idk why that is either.

To make matters worse, my front teeth all shifted out of place from my braces and my bottom retainer doesnt even fit anymore.

When I got the quote from the dentist to fix my TMJ issues it was $4k alone JUST for the jaw treatment not including the braces or invisalign.

To make things even worse it now appears like my hairline is receding likely from stress + a hormone imbalance, and I can’t get bloodwork done because I didn’t select the right healthcare plan when I signed up with my job so it will cost some 300+ dollars out of pocket to get any labs or xrays.

To make matters even worse. I now have some strange growths on my skin and I am worried I am getting skin cancer or something. I don’t know where all these myriad of health issues came from. It’s like they sprung up out of nowhere and I’m left looking like a fucking ugly weirdo. I don’t understand because I was so cute at age 12-14, but now everything just shifted and devolved into utter crap that will be expensive to fix.

I just don’t know what to do other than wait til I can save up enough and who knows how long that will take with my $7k CC debt. That will also make me havw to choose between some of my travel plans and improving my health/looks. It’s all just so overwhelming.

I feel like I have to somehow make my own super successul company or find a syper high paying job overnight or else I will just be ugly and my life will be ruined.

Like I’m already 23. If this does not get fixed soon I probably won’t even be able to find a good husband because no one would want to pass whatever genes it looks like I have to their kids.

And both of my other sisters are models. Like wtf happened to me??

I checked my face though multiple angles and even went to the dentist who confirmed my TMJ and I realized I have a strangely shaped face likeI have a deformity or something. I don’t even know why people I had some pictures of myself when I was 12-13, and I looked normal even then. I even had braces.Ever since my wisdom teeth got removed, it looked like my facial features went downhill from there. I woke up one day in covid and realized HALF of my face was numb and almost paralyzed. I didn’t realize it until I was doing practice interviews on my webcam and noticed I WAS ONLY SPEAKING WITH ONE SIDE OF MY MOUTH!! Since then I have been trying to have better posture and use both sides of my face and body in general, but it is not really helping. And one side of my jaw is really developed and juts out while the other is recessed and idk why that is either.To make matters worse, my front teeth all shifted out of place from my braces and my bottom retainer doesnt even fit anymore.When I got the quote from the dentist to fix my TMJ issues it was $4k alone JUST for the jaw treatment not including the braces or invisalign.To make things even worse it now appears like my hairline is receding likely from stress + a hormone imbalance, and I can’t get bloodwork done because I didn’t select the right healthcare plan when I signed up with my job so it will cost some 300+ dollars out of pocket to get any labs or xrays.To make matters even worse. I now have some strange growths on my skin and I am worried I am getting skin cancer or something. I don’t know where all these myriad of health issues came from. It’s like they sprung up out of nowhere and I’m left looking like a fucking ugly weirdo. I don’t understand because I was so cute at age 12-14, but now everything just shifted and devolved into utter crap that will be expensive to fix.I just don’t know what to do other than wait til I can save up enough and who knows how long that will take with my $7k CC debt. That will also make me havw to choose between some of my travel plans and improving my health/looks. It’s all just so overwhelming. I feel like I have to somehow make my own super successul company or find a syper high paying job overnight or else I will just be ugly and my life will be ruined.Like I’m already 23. If this does not get fixed soon I probably won’t even be able to find a good husband because no one would want to pass whatever genes it looks like I have to their kids.And both of my other sisters are models. Like wtf happened to me??
