What is the exact male privilege that we have?

Before someone says "uh another post against women" this is an issue faced by men, which I believe can be said out, being the whole point of men's safe space. Many folks like to say "know your privilege", I ask "what privilege?". Usually I find these limited to a few points...

The only privilege I find and admit to be true is not bleeding in pain every month from pre-teen to 40's

P.S. These points are centric to Indian culture and traditions, but elements of western culture will be included, since our economy and pop culture is influenced by US and the West.

The "special child treatment" privilege

This is the de-facto answer, but have they ever thought that it comes with tons of responsibilities? As a guy, you will know that that treatment always comes with the conditional sword of "you have to take care of your parents when they get old" on your shoulder 24*7. Your parents (especially your mother) will love you more, but that extra love comes with an transactional expectation of you being their retirement fund. Not to say that the extra doting love from mother creates soft men dependent on their parents' approval for every action and decision of their life.

Women don't have that, their part of responsibility for in-laws is lifted off their shoulders by the death of joint families. So now as a guy, you are not only responsible for your wife and kids, but also separately for your parents.

The "walk alone in the night" privilege

I see so many "at least you can walk alone in night ". I'm sure barely a few guys here walk regularly in the night after 10:00 PM, because no one in their right mind goes out in the dark especially in deserted areas. In our country, people strolling out in late hours are seen suspiciously. If you meet a policemen, they'll definitely ask you what you're doing out so late. Cause there's a high likelihood of you getting mugged, or even murdered for a small chump change in your pocket. Sure as a guy you can walk alone in the night, but if asked at a point, 99% of times you won't.

(This point also ties up with the next one)

The "workspace opportunity" privilege

Maybe a few decades back, this was true. But now, with the rising cry against the wage gap (which is a myth btw) and push for more gender equity policies is to an extent that the tables have turned, and its a women's privilege. Most HR'S are women siding with women, Policies like POSH (prevention of sexual harassment) don't count sexual harassment against men. Men have to work harder, compete against other men in unpaid overtime (not for women, cause only men can walk alone in the night) while women are hired and promoted for the sake of gender equity.

Please feel free to tell me more male privileges, and before someone says it, men can get raped too, just because it doesn't make for a good news highlight, doesn't mean its true.

Now let me list out some women privileges:

  1. Fast cognitive development in puberty, giving them a biological edge in school and college academics.
  2. Education system dominated by female teachers
  3. Govt. subsidized scholarships, quotas exclusively for women
  4. White knight like support by the legal system, privilege in terms of no cause alimony divorce, domestic violence and dowry laws almost violating fundamental rights of me, less women found guilty, or if they are, then no punishment, wrist slaps/mild sentence
  5. Govt subsidies, freebies, free public transport, low tax on asset ownership, low interest business loans
  6. Women's responsibilities towards family seen as "patriarchic oppression" while men's responsibility towards family seen as "duty to be fulfilled by an ideal son/husband/father"
  7. Less likely to suffer from consequences hormonal imbalance caused by BPA in plastic, water and phytoestrogens in food and everyday items

There's more, but I find them to be a part of being man rather than a privilege held by women.

Before someone says "uh another post against women" this is an issue faced by men, which I believe can be said out, being the whole point of men's safe space. Many folks like to say "know your privilege", I ask "what privilege?". Usually I find these limited to a few points...The only privilege I find and admit to be true is not bleeding in pain every month from pre-teen to 40's P.S. These points are centric to Indian culture and traditions, but elements of western culture will be included, since our economy and pop culture is influenced by US and the West. The "special child treatment" privilegeThis is the de-facto answer, but have they ever thought that it comes with tons of responsibilities? As a guy, you will know that that treatment always comes with the conditional sword of "you have to take care of your parents when they get old" on your shoulder 24*7. Your parents (especially your mother) will love you more, but that extra love comes with an transactional expectation of you being their retirement fund. Not to say that the extra doting love from mother creates soft men dependent on their parents' approval for every action and decision of their life. Women don't have that, their part of responsibility for in-laws is lifted off their shoulders by the death of joint families. So now as a guy, you are not only responsible for your wife and kids, but also separately for your parents. The "walk alone in the night" privilegeI see so many "at least you can walk alone in night ". I'm sure barely a few guys here walk regularly in the night after 10:00 PM, because no one in their right mind goes out in the dark especially in deserted areas. In our country, people strolling out in late hours are seen suspiciously. If you meet a policemen, they'll definitely ask you what you're doing out so late. Cause there's a high likelihood of you getting mugged, or even murdered for a small chump change in your pocket. Sure as a guy you can walk alone in the night, but if asked at a point, 99% of times you won't. (This point also ties up with the next one)The "workspace opportunity" privilegeMaybe a few decades back, this was true. But now, with the rising cry against the wage gap (which is a myth btw) and push for more gender equity policies is to an extent that the tables have turned, and its a women's privilege. Most HR'S are women siding with women, Policies like POSH (prevention of sexual harassment) don't count sexual harassment against men. Men have to work harder, compete against other men in unpaid overtime (not for women, cause only men can walk alone in the night) while women are hired and promoted for the sake of gender equity. Please feel free to tell me more male privileges, and before someone says it, men can get raped too, just because it doesn't make for a good news highlight, doesn't mean its true. Now let me list out some women privileges:Fast cognitive development in puberty, giving them a biological edge in school and college academics. Education system dominated by female teachers Govt. subsidized scholarships, quotas exclusively for women White knight like support by the legal system, privilege in terms of no cause alimony divorce, domestic violence and dowry laws almost violating fundamental rights of me, less women found guilty, or if they are, then no punishment, wrist slaps/mild sentence Govt subsidies, freebies, free public transport, low tax on asset ownership, low interest business loansWomen's responsibilities towards family seen as "patriarchic oppression" while men's responsibility towards family seen as "duty to be fulfilled by an ideal son/husband/father"Less likely to suffer from consequences hormonal imbalance caused by BPA in plastic, water and phytoestrogens in food and everyday items There's more, but I find them to be a part of being man rather than a privilege held by women. https://ift.tt/q8QhDNI https://ift.tt/VqfDG6Y
