My (26F) Husband (33M) is Having Erection Issues and Won't Touch Me

TLDR: husband won't touch me anymore because of erection issues and I miss him and I'm super sad about it.

*Disclaimer: Please no suggestions of an Open marriage or porn both are against our beliefs and I want no one else anyway*

Sex is my favorite thing to do with my husband (married 6 years two kids)...He says it was his favorite thing to do with me too... It is the ultimate form of vulnerability and intimacy for me...

And it is being severely sabotaged by a few things....

-My husband's lack of interest in sex and inability to keep it up longer than 5, mayyyybe 10 minutes at most(a problem that began about a year ago)...

-A serious lack of foreplay (which I have repeatedly begged for over the years and only get crumbs of because he gets too turned on during and then he can't keep it up when I'm ready for sex)

-My own set of issues with POP (Pelvic Organ Prolapse) which make some of his favorite positions painful for me....

I have been patient with my husband's newfound mismatched libido and erection issues and tried to give my own body grace with the issues it is going through with POP..... But when I say mismatched I mean only in the last year (neither of these things were issues before) but now he has had almost no interest unless it's been like two weeks (I like to have it 3 times a week) then suddenly he wants it, but he finishes too quickly because of sensitivity being high and then I am left unsatisfied and irritated.... If he tries to have it with me often as I like he can't keep it up...

I personally have felt for a while that something bigger is going on like a hormonal imbalance or something because it wasn't always like this... He used to be all over me and we had great sex. But it's so awful now... And that makes me just so irritated and upset all the time thinking about it all the time. He won't even touch me anymore because he has no confidence he'll keep it up so he said he'd rather not bother at all.

I MISS him... I NEED him... I have a pretty strong fetish associated with dick worship/pleasing, and HIS penetration is like the only thing that gets me off (which I am told isn't typical for most women) ... So masterbation isn't an option for me, as that doesn't satisfy my needs to be close to him and please him😔

It has been at least a week and a half since we've tried anything and I am so upset because I'm about to go on a trip in a few days with my sisters... so that means no sex then either... by the time I get back it will have been 3 weeks since trying anything, which is the longest we have ever gone unless I have just had a baby....

He FINALLY made a doctor's appointment for today to get viagra after I have begged and begged him.... and the doctor ordered blood work because he suspects a lack of testosterone... but basically the blood work will take at least 3 days to process and then he can be treated with either Viagra or hormone therapy.... But I will be gone by the 3rd of August until the 10th... he forgot about his blood work appointment today and now has to wait until Monday... So I know we don't stand a chance if he's trying to wait for medical intervention to try with me again...

I'm feeling so alone, and so horrible inside, and I feel ugly and unwanted and unattractive... I know I'm not... I'm not overweight, I have curves, large breasts, a small waist , I have a pretty face, but I still feel ugly and unattractive to him... Like I know it could be medical, but my stupid insecure brain keeps telling me he just isn't attracted to me anymore... I just want to be able to feel close to him again and I feel like I can't do it without sex, because it's a massive part of my main love language (physical touch).

How in the heck am I going to get through this? 😭 I miss being with him and he basically told me last night he doesn't want to try anymore because of his issues. That broke me...

TLDR: husband won't touch me anymore because of erection issues and I miss him and I'm super sad about it. *Disclaimer: Please no suggestions of an Open marriage or porn both are against our beliefs and I want no one else anyway*Sex is my favorite thing to do with my husband (married 6 years two kids)...He says it was his favorite thing to do with me too...It is the ultimate form of vulnerability and intimacy for me... And it is being severely sabotaged by a few things....-My husband's lack of interest in sex and inability to keep it up longer than 5, mayyyybe 10 minutes at most(a problem that began about a year ago)...-A serious lack of foreplay (which I have repeatedly begged for over the years and only get crumbs of because he gets too turned on during and then he can't keep it up when I'm ready for sex)-My own set of issues with POP (Pelvic Organ Prolapse) which make some of his favorite positions painful for me.... I have been patient with my husband's newfound mismatched libido and erection issues and tried to give my own body grace with the issues it is going through with POP..... But when I say mismatched I mean only in the last year (neither of these things were issues before) but now he has had almost no interest unless it's been like two weeks (I like to have it 3 times a week) then suddenly he wants it, but he finishes too quickly because of sensitivity being high and then I am left unsatisfied and irritated.... If he tries to have it with me often as I like he can't keep it up...I personally have felt for a while that something bigger is going on like a hormonal imbalance or something because it wasn't always like this... He used to be all over me and we had great sex. But it's so awful now... And that makes me just so irritated and upset all the time thinking about it all the time. He won't even touch me anymore because he has no confidence he'll keep it up so he said he'd rather not bother at all. I MISS him... I NEED him... I have a pretty strong fetish associated with dick worship/pleasing, and HIS penetration is like the only thing that gets me off (which I am told isn't typical for most women) ... So masterbation isn't an option for me, as that doesn't satisfy my needs to be close to him and please him😔It has been at least a week and a half since we've tried anything and I am so upset because I'm about to go on a trip in a few days with my sisters... so that means no sex then either... by the time I get back it will have been 3 weeks since trying anything, which is the longest we have ever gone unless I have just had a baby.... He FINALLY made a doctor's appointment for today to get viagra after I have begged and begged him.... and the doctor ordered blood work because he suspects a lack of testosterone... but basically the blood work will take at least 3 days to process and then he can be treated with either Viagra or hormone therapy.... But I will be gone by the 3rd of August until the 10th... he forgot about his blood work appointment today and now has to wait until Monday... So I know we don't stand a chance if he's trying to wait for medical intervention to try with me again... I'm feeling so alone, and so horrible inside, and I feel ugly and unwanted and unattractive... I know I'm not... I'm not overweight, I have curves, large breasts, a small waist , I have a pretty face, but I still feel ugly and unattractive to him... Like I know it could be medical, but my stupid insecure brain keeps telling me he just isn't attracted to me anymore... I just want to be able to feel close to him again and I feel like I can't do it without sex, because it's a massive part of my main love language (physical touch). How in the heck am I going to get through this? 😭 I miss being with him and he basically told me last night he doesn't want to try anymore because of his issues. That broke me...
