Need info!

Hi I'm a 34 yo female with hormal imbalance. Particularly, my testosterone was very high. I'm also obese I weigh over 200 pounds. For the past 3 months I have been working on eating clean, getting some exercise and taking herbal supplements for my hormones. It seems to be sort of working as I am losing weight and feeling better. Off late I have been considering taking the l carnitine supplement, but I'm in a dilemma.

On one hand I read medical studies which say that non-obese and obese women with pcod benefited with this supplement with no great side effects. But some studies also say that l carnitine may cause hyperandrogenism. I'm already sensitive about the way I look and don't want to add to it.

What should I do?

Hi I'm a 34 yo female with hormal imbalance. Particularly, my testosterone was very high. I'm also obese I weigh over 200 pounds. For the past 3 months I have been working on eating clean, getting some exercise and taking herbal supplements for my hormones. It seems to be sort of working as I am losing weight and feeling better. Off late I have been considering taking the l carnitine supplement, but I'm in a dilemma. On one hand I read medical studies which say that non-obese and obese women with pcod benefited with this supplement with no great side effects. But some studies also say that l carnitine may cause hyperandrogenism. I'm already sensitive about the way I look and don't want to add to it. What should I do?
