Questions for Doctor?

I have an appointment with my gynecologist on Tuesday to discuss HRT options. Thankfully, I have a really supportive doctor. She’s very open to hormones, hysterectomies, etc. I’m in peri, but hormones and periods are extremely erratic. I had been on hormonal birth control for many years until this last November. I wanted to give my body a break from the high amount of synthetic hormones. It has been going better than expected, but I’m now feeling what my body is like without the balance, and some of the side effects of this imbalance just suck. She suggested low dose HRT instead of going back on birth control.

Are there any questions I should ask that are really important? Is there anything you wish you would have known beforehand? Just looking for some support. I’m very knowledgeable about hormonal birth control, but clueless about HRT.

I have an appointment with my gynecologist on Tuesday to discuss HRT options. Thankfully, I have a really supportive doctor. She’s very open to hormones, hysterectomies, etc. I’m in peri, but hormones and periods are extremely erratic. I had been on hormonal birth control for many years until this last November. I wanted to give my body a break from the high amount of synthetic hormones. It has been going better than expected, but I’m now feeling what my body is like without the balance, and some of the side effects of this imbalance just suck. She suggested low dose HRT instead of going back on birth control. Are there any questions I should ask that are really important? Is there anything you wish you would have known beforehand? Just looking for some support. I’m very knowledgeable about hormonal birth control, but clueless about HRT.
