WGU D236 pathophysiology OA Exam Study Guide 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

  1. What is Starling's Law of Capillary forces? How does this

explain why a nutritionally deficient child would have


Starling’s Law describes how fluids move across the capillary membrane. There

are two major opposing forces that act to balance each other, hydrostatic pressure

(pushing water out of the capillaries) and osmotic pressure (including oncontic pressure,

which pushes fluid into the capillaries). Both electrolytes and proteins (oncontic

pressure) in the blood affect osmotic pressure, high electrolyte and protein

concentrations in the blood would cause water to leave the cells and interstitial space

and enter the blood stream to dilute the high concentrations. On, the other hand, low

electrolyte and protein concentrations (as seen in a nutritionally deficient child) would

cause water to leave the capillaries and enter the cells and interstitial fluid which can

lead to edema.

  1. How does the RAAS (Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System)

result in increased blood volume and increased blood


A drop in blood pressure is sensed by the kidneys by low perfusion, which in turn

begins to secrete renin. Renin then triggers the liver to produce angiotensinogen, which

is converted to Angiotensin I in the lungs and then angiotensin II by the enzyme

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Angiotensin II stimulates peripheral arterial

vasoconstriction which raises BP. Angiotensin II is also stimulating the adrenal gland to

release aldosterone, which acts to increase sodium and water reabsorption increasing

blood volume, while also increased potassium secretion in urine.

  1. How can hyperkalemia lead to cardiac arrest?

Normal levels of potassium are between 3.5 and 5.2 mEq/dL. Hyperkalemia refers

to potassium levels higher that 5.2 mEq/dL. A major function of potassium is to conduct

nerve impulses in muscles. Too low and muscle weakness occurs and too much can

cause muscle spasms. This is especially dangerous in the heart muscle and an irregular

heartbeat can cause a heart attack.

  1. The body uses the Protein Buffering System, Phosphate

Buffering System, and Carbonic Acid-Bicarbonate System to

regulate and maintain homeostatic pH, what is the

consequence of a pH imbalance?

Proteins contain many acidic and basic group that can be affected by pH

changes. Any increase or decrease in blood pH can alter the structure of the protein

(denature), thereby affecting its function as well.

  1. Describe the laboratory findings associated with metabolic

acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis and respiratory

alkalosis. (ie relative pH and CO2 levels).

Normal ABGs (Arterial Blood Gases) Blood pH: 7.35-7.45 PCO2: 35-45 mm

Hg PO2: 90-100 mm Hg HCO3-: 22-26 mEq/L SaO2: 95-100% Respiratory

acidosis and alkalosis are marked by changes in PCO2. Higher = acidosis

and lower = alkalosis Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis are caused by

something other than abnormal CO2 levels. This could include toxicity,

diabetes, renal failure or excessive GI losses. Here are the rules to follow

to determine if is respiratory or metabolic in nature. -If pH and PCO2 are

moving in opposite directions, then it is the pCO2 levels that are causing

the imbalance and it is respiratory in nature. -If PCO2 is normal or is

moving tin the same direction as the pH, then the imbalance is metabolic

in nature


  1. The anion gap is the difference between measured cations

(Na+ and K+) and measured anions (Cl- and HCO3-), this

calculation can be useful in determining the cause of metabolic

acidosis. Why would an increased anion gap be observed in

diabetic ketoacidosis or lactic acidosis?

The anion gap is the calculation of unmeasured anions in the blood. Lactic

acid and ketones both lead to the production of unmeasured anions, which remove

HCO3- (a measured anion) due to buffering of the excess H+ and therefore leads to

an increase in the AG.

  1. Why is it important to maintain a homeostatic balance of

glucose in the blood (ie describe the pathogenesis of


Insulin is the hormone responsible for initiating the uptake of glucose by the

cells. Cells use glucose to produce energy (ATP). In a normal individual, when blood

glucose increases, the pancreas is signaled to produced in insulin, which binds to insulin

receptors on a cells surface and initiates the uptake of glucose. Glucose is a very

reactive molecule and if left in the blood, it can start to bind to other proteins and

lipids, which can lead to loss of function. AGEs are advanced glycation end products

that are a result of glucose reacting with the endothelial lining, which can lead to

damage in the heart and kidneys.

  1. Compare and contrast Type I and Type II Diabetes

Type I diabetes is caused by lack of insulin. With out insulin signaling, glucose will

not be taken into the cell and leads to high blood glucose (hyperglycemia). Type I is

usually treated with insulin injections. Type II diabetes is caused by a desensitization to

insulin signaling. The insulin receptors are no longer responding to insulin, which also

leads to hyperglycemia. Type II is usually treated with drugs to increase the sensitization

to insulin (metformin), dietary and life-style changes or insulin injections.

  1. Describe some reasons for a patient needing dialysis AEIOUacidosis. Electrolytes, Intoxication/Ingestion, overload, uremia. Patients with kidney

or heart failure. A build up of phosphates, urea and magnesium are removed

from the blood using a semi-permeable membrane and dialysate. AEIOU: A—acidosis; E

—electrolytes principally hyperkalemia; I—ingestions or overdose of medications/drugs;

O—overload of fluid causing heart failure; U—uremia leading to encephalitis/pericarditis.

  1. Compare and contrast hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

What are some reasons for a patient choosing one over the


Hemodialysis uses a machine to pump blood from the body in one tube while

dialysate (made of water, electrolytes and salts) is pumped in the separate tube in the


opposite direction. Waste from the blood diffuses through the semipermeable

membrane separating the blood from the dialysate. Peritoneal Dialysis does not use a

machine, but instead injects a solution of water and glucose into the abdominal cavity.

The peritoneum acts as the membrane instead of dialysis tubing. The waste products

diffuse into the abdominal cavity and the waste solution is then drained from the body.

Peritoneal dialysis offers continuous filtration and is less disruption to the patient’s

daily routines. However, it does require some training of the patient and is not

recommended for individuals who are overweight or have severe kidney failure.

Hemodialysis provides medical care, but 3 times a week for several hours sitting at a

hospital or clinic.

Individuals with acute kidney failure are recommended to use hemo

  1. Essential Question: How does homeostasis and maintaining

optimal physiological health impact your wellbeing?

Homeostasis acts to create a constant and stable environment in the body

despite internal and external changes. Proteins and other cellular processes require

optimal conditions in order to carry out their functions. Alterations in pH, salt

concentration, temperature, glucose levels, etc. can have negative effects on health, so

it is vital for mechanisms that regulate homeostasis to function properly for maintaining

good health.

Lesson 2: Cellular Response and


  1. Differentiate between Innate Immunity and Adaptive


The innate immune system encompasses physical barriers and chemical and

cellular defenses. Physical barriers protect the body from invasion. These include things

like the skin and eyelashes. Chemical barriers are defense mechanisms that can destroy

harmful agent. Examples include tears, mucous, and stomach acid. Cellular defenses of

the innate immune response are non-specific. These cellular defenses identify

pathogens and substances that are potentially dangerous and takes steps to neutralize

or destroy them. Adaptive immunity is an organism’s acquired immunity to a specific

pathogen. As such, it’s also referred to as acquired immunity. Adaptive immunity is not

immediate, nor does it always last throughout an organism’s entire lifespan, although it

can. The adaptive immune response is marked by clonal expansion of T and B

lymphocytes, releasing many antibody copies to neutralize or destroy their target


What is Starling's Law of Capillary forces? How does thisexplain why a nutritionally deficient child would haveedema?Starling’s Law describes how fluids move across the capillary membrane. Thereare two major opposing forces that act to balance each other, hydrostatic pressure(pushing water out of the capillaries) and osmotic pressure (including oncontic pressure,which pushes fluid into the capillaries). Both electrolytes and proteins (onconticpressure) in the blood affect osmotic pressure, high electrolyte and proteinconcentrations in the blood would cause water to leave the cells and interstitial spaceand enter the blood stream to dilute the high concentrations. On, the other hand, lowelectrolyte and protein concentrations (as seen in a nutritionally deficient child) wouldcause water to leave the capillaries and enter the cells and interstitial fluid which canlead to edema.How does the RAAS (Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System)result in increased blood volume and increased bloodpressure?A drop in blood pressure is sensed by the kidneys by low perfusion, which in turnbegins to secrete renin. Renin then triggers the liver to produce angiotensinogen, whichis converted to Angiotensin I in the lungs and then angiotensin II by the enzymeAngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Angiotensin II stimulates peripheral arterialvasoconstriction which raises BP. Angiotensin II is also stimulating the adrenal gland torelease aldosterone, which acts to increase sodium and water reabsorption increasingblood volume, while also increased potassium secretion in urine.How can hyperkalemia lead to cardiac arrest?Normal levels of potassium are between 3.5 and 5.2 mEq/dL. Hyperkalemia refersto potassium levels higher that 5.2 mEq/dL. A major function of potassium is to conductnerve impulses in muscles. Too low and muscle weakness occurs and too much cancause muscle spasms. This is especially dangerous in the heart muscle and an irregularheartbeat can cause a heart attack.​The body uses the Protein Buffering System, PhosphateBuffering System, and Carbonic Acid-Bicarbonate System toregulate and maintain homeostatic pH, what is theconsequence of a pH imbalance?Proteins contain many acidic and basic group that can be affected by pHchanges. Any increase or decrease in blood pH can alter the structure of the protein(denature), thereby affecting its function as well.Describe the laboratory findings associated with metabolicacidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis and respiratoryalkalosis. (ie relative pH and CO2 levels).Normal ABGs (Arterial Blood Gases) Blood pH: 7.35-7.45 PCO2: 35-45 mmHg PO2: 90-100 mm Hg HCO3-: 22-26 mEq/L SaO2: 95-100% Respiratoryacidosis and alkalosis are marked by changes in PCO2. Higher = acidosisand lower = alkalosis Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis are caused bysomething other than abnormal CO2 levels. This could include toxicity,diabetes, renal failure or excessive GI losses. Here are the rules to followto determine if is respiratory or metabolic in nature. -If pH and PCO2 aremoving in opposite directions, then it is the pCO2 levels that are causingthe imbalance and it is respiratory in nature. -If PCO2 is normal or ismoving tin the same direction as the pH, then the imbalance is metabolicin nature​.The anion gap is the difference between measured cations(Na+ and K+) and measured anions (Cl- and HCO3-), thiscalculation can be useful in determining the cause of metabolicacidosis. Why would an increased anion gap be observed indiabetic ketoacidosis or lactic acidosis?The anion gap is the calculation of unmeasured anions in the blood. Lacticacid and ketones both lead to the production of unmeasured anions, which removeHCO3- (a measured anion) due to buffering of the excess H+ and therefore leads toan increase in the AG.Why is it important to maintain a homeostatic balance ofglucose in the blood (ie describe the pathogenesis ofdiabetes)?Insulin is the hormone responsible for initiating the uptake of glucose by thecells. Cells use glucose to produce energy (ATP). In a normal individual, when bloodglucose increases, the pancreas is signaled to produced in insulin, which binds to insulinreceptors on a cells surface and initiates the uptake of glucose. Glucose is a veryreactive molecule and if left in the blood, it can start to bind to other proteins andlipids, which can lead to loss of function. AGEs are advanced glycation end productsthat are a result of glucose reacting with the endothelial lining, which can lead todamage in the heart and kidneys.Compare and contrast Type I and Type II DiabetesType I diabetes is caused by lack of insulin. With out insulin signaling, glucose willnot be taken into the cell and leads to high blood glucose (hyperglycemia). Type I isusually treated with insulin injections. Type II diabetes is caused by a desensitization toinsulin signaling. The insulin receptors are no longer responding to insulin, which alsoleads to hyperglycemia. Type II is usually treated with drugs to increase the sensitizationto insulin (metformin), dietary and life-style changes or insulin injections.Describe some reasons for a patient needing dialysis AEIOUacidosis. Electrolytes, Intoxication/Ingestion, overload, uremia. Patients with kidneyor heart failure. A build up of phosphates, urea and magnesium are removedfrom the blood using a semi-permeable membrane and dialysate. AEIOU: A—acidosis; E—electrolytes principally hyperkalemia; I—ingestions or overdose of medications/drugs;O—overload of fluid causing heart failure; U—uremia leading to encephalitis/pericarditis.Compare and contrast hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.What are some reasons for a patient choosing one over theother?Hemodialysis uses a machine to pump blood from the body in one tube whiledialysate (made of water, electrolytes and salts) is pumped in the separate tube in theD236​opposite direction. Waste from the blood diffuses through the semipermeablemembrane separating the blood from the dialysate. Peritoneal Dialysis does not use amachine, but instead injects a solution of water and glucose into the abdominal cavity.The peritoneum acts as the membrane instead of dialysis tubing. The waste productsdiffuse into the abdominal cavity and the waste solution is then drained from the body.Peritoneal dialysis offers continuous filtration and is less disruption to the patient’sdaily routines. However, it does require some training of the patient and is notrecommended for individuals who are overweight or have severe kidney failure.Hemodialysis provides medical care, but 3 times a week for several hours sitting at ahospital or clinic.Individuals with acute kidney failure are recommended to use hemoEssential Question: How does homeostasis and maintainingoptimal physiological health impact your wellbeing?Homeostasis acts to create a constant and stable environment in the bodydespite internal and external changes. Proteins and other cellular processes requireoptimal conditions in order to carry out their functions. Alterations in pH, saltconcentration, temperature, glucose levels, etc. can have negative effects on health, soit is vital for mechanisms that regulate homeostasis to function properly for maintaininggood health.Lesson 2: Cellular Response andAdaptationDifferentiate between Innate Immunity and AdaptiveImmunity.The innate immune system encompasses physical barriers and chemical andcellular defenses. Physical barriers protect the body from invasion. These include thingslike the skin and eyelashes. Chemical barriers are defense mechanisms that can destroyharmful agent. Examples include tears, mucous, and stomach acid. Cellular defenses ofthe innate immune response are non-specific. These cellular defenses identifypathogens and substances that are potentially dangerous and takes steps to neutralizeor destroy them. Adaptive immunity is an organism’s acquired immunity to a specificpathogen. As such, it’s also referred to as acquired immunity. Adaptive immunity is notimmediate, nor does it always last throughout an organism’s entire lifespan, although itcan. The adaptive immune response is marked by clonal expansion of T and Blymphocytes, releasing many antibody copies to neutralize or destroy their targetantigen. https://ift.tt/dDQ4KCp https://ift.tt/8CUVZqz
