After 7 years on T I’m deciding to begin the process of weening off possibly for good.

I’ve been dealing with severe depression and anxiety over the past 7 years. I’ve suffered from occasional depression and anxiety attacks before, but I’ve always been able to get myself back and continue life.

Since I began on T in 2016 I’ve been dealing with hormonal imbalances, spotting that have severely affected my mental health. The constant calibration and re-calibration of the dosage is just getting old to me. In 2021 I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, and panic disorder. Both have changed my life traumatically and I know the constant up and down in hormone levels has played a part.

I don’t want to keep having to worry about if my levels are where they need to be, or fearful that they’ll become too low or too elevated to the point where I end up experiencing the trauma I’ve experienced with depression and panic attacks over the past couple years. I’ve been on clonazepam micro dosing (doctors orders), and about a week ago I started on Zoloft. I’m hoping to see some improvement in my mental health in the near future.

As far as the hormones, all the changes that could take place with hormone therapy have already taken place, and the ones most important for me to maintain are irreversible anyhow.

I never got buff, or cut and it’s not impossible if I ever want that in the future.. it’ll just be more difficult since testosterone makes it easier to build muscle. Right now my mental and physical well-being is more important. If I ever wanted to start back I could do that in the future, but for now I just need a break to see if that helps improve my situation long-term.

If any of you have or are currently coming off T please feel free to chime in and share your experience ❤️

I’ve been dealing with severe depression and anxiety over the past 7 years. I’ve suffered from occasional depression and anxiety attacks before, but I’ve always been able to get myself back and continue life. Since I began on T in 2016 I’ve been dealing with hormonal imbalances, spotting that have severely affected my mental health. The constant calibration and re-calibration of the dosage is just getting old to me. In 2021 I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, and panic disorder. Both have changed my life traumatically and I know the constant up and down in hormone levels has played a part. I don’t want to keep having to worry about if my levels are where they need to be, or fearful that they’ll become too low or too elevated to the point where I end up experiencing the trauma I’ve experienced with depression and panic attacks over the past couple years. I’ve been on clonazepam micro dosing (doctors orders), and about a week ago I started on Zoloft. I’m hoping to see some improvement in my mental health in the near future. As far as the hormones, all the changes that could take place with hormone therapy have already taken place, and the ones most important for me to maintain are irreversible anyhow. I never got buff, or cut and it’s not impossible if I ever want that in the future.. it’ll just be more difficult since testosterone makes it easier to build muscle. Right now my mental and physical well-being is more important. If I ever wanted to start back I could do that in the future, but for now I just need a break to see if that helps improve my situation long-term. If any of you have or are currently coming off T please feel free to chime in and share your experience ❤️
