Both men and women should be equally responsible for safe sex

I know what you are thinking. There's no way this is an unpopular opinion. But you would be sadly mistaken. I've seen (mainly posts by women) time and time again saying that men are the ones responsible for safe sex. It should be the man wearing the condom. He's the one that gets the women pregnant etc.

I wholeheartedly disagree with the notion of sole male responsibility on a couple basis.

1). They clearly ignore the fact that both men and women equally decide to have sex in a consensual encounter. If the women wants to have sex then she should also take some of the responsibility for making sure the encounter is safe.

2). Many people use the flawed argument that birth control pills cause hormonal imbalances in women that could lead to depression. Yes the argument is flawed because it erroneously assumes that female birth control is only via pills or other medicines that may have side effects. This is absolutely untrue. Many people don't know this apparently, however, there are female condoms. Yes condoms that women wear by putting them inside of them. They have a 95% success rate if worn correctly, yet many people act as if condoms are a male only thing. They are not.

I understand why people may think that this take is unpopular. They believe that by pushing men to be solely responsible for safe sex, that it is helping advance quality of life for women and advancing women's rights. But it is not because...

The idea that men should be solely responsible for safe sex is a patriarchal idea built upon the notion that men should be the primary responsibility holder in a relationship. That they should be the ones who make the money, bring the food home, do ALL of the protecting. This mindset is toxic, and it hurts all peoples both male and female when you try to force people into roles like this.

I know what you are thinking. There's no way this is an unpopular opinion. But you would be sadly mistaken. I've seen (mainly posts by women) time and time again saying that men are the ones responsible for safe sex. It should be the man wearing the condom. He's the one that gets the women pregnant etc.I wholeheartedly disagree with the notion of sole male responsibility on a couple basis.1). They clearly ignore the fact that both men and women equally decide to have sex in a consensual encounter. If the women wants to have sex then she should also take some of the responsibility for making sure the encounter is safe.2). Many people use the flawed argument that birth control pills cause hormonal imbalances in women that could lead to depression. Yes the argument is flawed because it erroneously assumes that female birth control is only via pills or other medicines that may have side effects. This is absolutely untrue. Many people don't know this apparently, however, there are female condoms. Yes condoms that women wear by putting them inside of them. They have a 95% success rate if worn correctly, yet many people act as if condoms are a male only thing. They are not.I understand why people may think that this take is unpopular. They believe that by pushing men to be solely responsible for safe sex, that it is helping advance quality of life for women and advancing women's rights. But it is not because...The idea that men should be solely responsible for safe sex is a patriarchal idea built upon the notion that men should be the primary responsibility holder in a relationship. That they should be the ones who make the money, bring the food home, do ALL of the protecting. This mindset is toxic, and it hurts all peoples both male and female when you try to force people into roles like this. ​
