I recently got my genomics testing results back and I have the AA COMT++ SNP. I feel like I experience all the symptoms listed for low enzyme including hormone imbalance, low estrogen, low thyroid, fatigue, pain, stress/anxiety, and more. Should I take SAMe and adenosyl/hydroxocobalamin? I was taking lots of methylated b vitamins but it wasn’t helping. Any other suggestions? My doc wants my to start taking progesterone and estradiol to get levels up. I’m 34 female who is basically pre-menopausal. And I currently take both T4 and T3 for my thyroid. Still feel very fatigued most often. I have exercise intolerance too.

Thanks in advance!

I recently got my genomics testing results back and I have the AA COMT++ SNP. I feel like I experience all the symptoms listed for low enzyme including hormone imbalance, low estrogen, low thyroid, fatigue, pain, stress/anxiety, and more. Should I take SAMe and adenosyl/hydroxocobalamin? I was taking lots of methylated b vitamins but it wasn’t helping. Any other suggestions? My doc wants my to start taking progesterone and estradiol to get levels up. I’m 34 female who is basically pre-menopausal. And I currently take both T4 and T3 for my thyroid. Still feel very fatigued most often. I have exercise intolerance too. Thanks in advance!
