For all who identified female starting from childhood: do you have older siblings?

So I’ve been interested in the possible biological causes of mtf trans sexuality during fetus development. I’ve read on Wikipedia that many MTFs report having older brothers and that some scientists think it could be caused by hormonal imbalances in the mothers womb caused by earlier pregnancies. I happen to have an older sister and know about another mtf that does and so I was wondering if there is a link between gender identity and older siblings in general.

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So I’ve been interested in the possible biological causes of mtf trans sexuality during fetus development. I’ve read on Wikipedia that many MTFs report having older brothers and that some scientists think it could be caused by hormonal imbalances in the mothers womb caused by earlier pregnancies. I happen to have an older sister and know about another mtf that does and so I was wondering if there is a link between gender identity and older siblings in general.View Poll
