Gradually adding oral minoxidil vs every day right away?

Hey everyone

I’m considering starting oral minoxidil and ofc I’ll have a discussion with my doctor about all this but I thought I’d ask here too to see what your thoughts and experiences are.

I’m 32 male, dark hair, I guess my hair is thinning rather than really receding and it has been slowly for years but this year I can really start to feel and see a difference in my density that scares me though I guess it’s not really noticeable to others.

Have any of you started by gradually getting on it? Meaning, week 1 taking it one day, week 2 taking it twice, week 3 taking it three times, and so on… until you are taking it 7 days a week?

I guess I’m thinking of this to reduce how intense the initial shed would be and also to get my body used to the medication gradually instead of shocking it at once and taking it every day right from the start.

Since my hair loss isn’t obvious at this point, I have wishful thinking that I can slowly build up to minoxidil and not get a dramatic shed which I’m assuming would drastically change my density temporarily. I want it to be seamless but idk if it’s possible 🤪

Also, I’m curious what your actual side effects were - not what we know they can be - but what did you experience?

I’m not so much concerned about the excess body hair. I had my entire upper body lasered off years ago so I doubt it would grow back super intense and I regularly do at home laser to maintain so I don’t think that would be a huge deal.

I already have high blood pressure so lowering it wouldn’t be a big deal. I work in healthcare so I have access to nurses and medical advice (aside from my doctor ofc) and can monitor my BP and pulse rate for tachycardia every day (we can do this at home anyway).

I’m more concerned about the supposed increased prolactin and this basically inducing the same side finasteride can cause such as gynecomastia. I know most people deny this is possible with finasteride too but it scares me.

I had gynecomastia from puberty and had surgery when I was 26 (32 now). I’m not sure if the entire gland was removed, I think it was cuz there’s nothing left when I feel my chest (you could feel it before). So I don’t know if I would even have the possibility of recurrence. My surgeon just told me to never take steroids and seeing as how this causes a hormonal imbalance - well you can imagine why I’m paranoid about prolactin. This is why finasteride is completely out of the question for me for now.

I know the answer a lot of people have is that I need to get on finasteride - I get that part. I guess since in general at this point my hair loss is not super obvious to others (it is to me), my idea is to prolong what I have as long as I can with minoxidil until breezula or pyrilutamide are approved and we know wether or not they are actually effective and wether they affect hormones like finasteride does.

I also don’t take any of the anecdotes about black market breezula and pyri seriously because people are using bootleg compounds probably made in someone’s kitchen and I don’t feel we can be sure they are the same as the authentic compounds being trialed - so I’m waiting for whenever those trials are finalized.

Anyway, any experiences or input is highly appreciated 🙏🏻 thanks all.

Hey everyoneI’m considering starting oral minoxidil and ofc I’ll have a discussion with my doctor about all this but I thought I’d ask here too to see what your thoughts and experiences are.I’m 32 male, dark hair, I guess my hair is thinning rather than really receding and it has been slowly for years but this year I can really start to feel and see a difference in my density that scares me though I guess it’s not really noticeable to others.Have any of you started by gradually getting on it? Meaning, week 1 taking it one day, week 2 taking it twice, week 3 taking it three times, and so on… until you are taking it 7 days a week?I guess I’m thinking of this to reduce how intense the initial shed would be and also to get my body used to the medication gradually instead of shocking it at once and taking it every day right from the start.Since my hair loss isn’t obvious at this point, I have wishful thinking that I can slowly build up to minoxidil and not get a dramatic shed which I’m assuming would drastically change my density temporarily. I want it to be seamless but idk if it’s possible 🤪Also, I’m curious what your actual side effects were - not what we know they can be - but what did you experience?I’m not so much concerned about the excess body hair. I had my entire upper body lasered off years ago so I doubt it would grow back super intense and I regularly do at home laser to maintain so I don’t think that would be a huge deal.I already have high blood pressure so lowering it wouldn’t be a big deal. I work in healthcare so I have access to nurses and medical advice (aside from my doctor ofc) and can monitor my BP and pulse rate for tachycardia every day (we can do this at home anyway).I’m more concerned about the supposed increased prolactin and this basically inducing the same side finasteride can cause such as gynecomastia. I know most people deny this is possible with finasteride too but it scares me.I had gynecomastia from puberty and had surgery when I was 26 (32 now). I’m not sure if the entire gland was removed, I think it was cuz there’s nothing left when I feel my chest (you could feel it before). So I don’t know if I would even have the possibility of recurrence. My surgeon just told me to never take steroids and seeing as how this causes a hormonal imbalance - well you can imagine why I’m paranoid about prolactin. This is why finasteride is completely out of the question for me for now.I know the answer a lot of people have is that I need to get on finasteride - I get that part. I guess since in general at this point my hair loss is not super obvious to others (it is to me), my idea is to prolong what I have as long as I can with minoxidil until breezula or pyrilutamide are approved and we know wether or not they are actually effective and wether they affect hormones like finasteride does. I also don’t take any of the anecdotes about black market breezula and pyri seriously because people are using bootleg compounds probably made in someone’s kitchen and I don’t feel we can be sure they are the same as the authentic compounds being trialed - so I’m waiting for whenever those trials are finalized.Anyway, any experiences or input is highly appreciated 🙏🏻 thanks all.
