Spotting treatment question

Hi, For more then a year, I suffer from constant or something occasionnel vaginal bleeding in between periods. I am not on birth control btw. The only suggestion from my doctor was to go on birth control to "regulate" my period. I don't understand how that can be a thing since I believe it does not regulate but shut down the menstruel cycle. How can it regulate when it is commun to suffer from hormonal imbalence after stopping birth control ? I feel like if I start, I will be stuck on it for the rest of my fertile life. Also why is it the only option and are they suppose to do teste to see the cause behind the bleeding ?

Hi, For more then a year, I suffer from constant or something occasionnel vaginal bleeding in between periods. I am not on birth control btw. The only suggestion from my doctor was to go on birth control to "regulate" my period. I don't understand how that can be a thing since I believe it does not regulate but shut down the menstruel cycle. How can it regulate when it is commun to suffer from hormonal imbalence after stopping birth control ?I feel like if I start, I will be stuck on it for the rest of my fertile life.Also why is it the only option and are they suppose to do teste to see the cause behind the bleeding ?
