Both of my sisters are pregnant and I am jealous

Both of my (24f) sisters wel cal them Kat(38f) and Any(34f) are pregnant. The women in my family al struggle with PCOS to varying degrees between al of us. My mom never realy had infertility isues she had 7 biological children (6 with my dad and 1 with my step dad) without any isues getting pregnant. Any had her first two boys (one when she was 17 and the second when she was in her twenties) without isues. However she struggled for years to get pregnant with her daughter. She finaly found a good doctor that gave her the right combination of medications after bouncing between doctors for so long. Al these doctors told her she needed to lose weight to get pregnant until she found her most recent doctor that helped her have her baby girl a couple of years ago. She found out she is pregnant with her fourth child today. Kat had one son when she was about my age but has struggled ever since to get pregnant. She found out she is pregnant about a week or so ago and has been ecstatic about it. I want so bad to be nothing but happy for my sisters. I am happy for them but I cant help but feel miserable. Ive arguably had the worst luck when it comes to my PCOS. I was diagnosed a few months ago after not having my period for at least 6 months. The doctor put me on birth control so I can at least bleed every month. She told me that my body is not menstruating at al because of my hormone imbalance. I stopped taking the birth control last week because my fiancé said he wanted to try for a baby and my body stopped menstruating al togather again. My cycle doesnt happen. I dont ovulate. I dont bleed. Its like my body doesnt send signals for those things to happen at al. Ive wanted to be a mother since I was about 16 or 17 but I put it of for so long because I wanted to be in the right place financialy. Ive struggled with the idea for a while because my family has a long history of serious mental health disorders on both sides. My mothers father was schizophrenic and her and her brother and one of her cousins are al diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder 3 years ago after a failed suicide attempt. My dads side of the family has major problems with addiction specificaly with alcohol. My dad is an alcoholic (hes never been abusive but Ive never seen him without a drink in his hand) my brother just went into rehab for alcoholism and my dads brother died of liver failure because of his alcoholism. I wanted a baby so bad but didnt want to be selfish and bring one into the world with so many isues. Until about a year ago when my fiancé and I decided thats what we wanted. My heart has been constantly broken because I am unable to get pregnant. I have dreams of my two little girls Madeline and Nicole. In my dreams Madeline is two now and Nicole is one. I want to hold them so bad. I want my babies here in my arms. But I cant have it. I have so much jealousy in my heart towards my sisters that I dont know how to let go of. I hate myself for waiting so long to have a baby. I wish I wouldve tried sooner. TLDR Al the women in my family have PCOS and I am unable to get pregnant. My sisters both recently found out theyre pregnant and I am happy for them but so jealous.

Both of my (24f) sisters wel cal them Kat(38f) and Any(34f) are pregnant. The women in my family al struggle with PCOS to varying degrees between al of us. My mom never realy had infertility isues she had 7 biological children (6 with my dad and 1 with my step dad) without any isues getting pregnant. Any had her first two boys (one when she was 17 and the second when she was in her twenties) without isues. However she struggled for years to get pregnant with her daughter. She finaly found a good doctor that gave her the right combination of medications after bouncing between doctors for so long. Al these doctors told her she needed to lose weight to get pregnant until she found her most recent doctor that helped her have her baby girl a couple of years ago. She found out she is pregnant with her fourth child today. Kat had one son when she was about my age but has struggled ever since to get pregnant. She found out she is pregnant about a week or so ago and has been ecstatic about it. I want so bad to be nothing but happy for my sisters. I am happy for them but I cant help but feel miserable. Ive arguably had the worst luck when it comes to my PCOS. I was diagnosed a few months ago after not having my period for at least 6 months. The doctor put me on birth control so I can at least bleed every month. She told me that my body is not menstruating at al because of my hormone imbalance. I stopped taking the birth control last week because my fiancé said he wanted to try for a baby and my body stopped menstruating al togather again. My cycle doesnt happen. I dont ovulate. I dont bleed. Its like my body doesnt send signals for those things to happen at al. Ive wanted to be a mother since I was about 16 or 17 but I put it of for so long because I wanted to be in the right place financialy. Ive struggled with the idea for a while because my family has a long history of serious mental health disorders on both sides. My mothers father was schizophrenic and her and her brother and one of her cousins are al diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder 3 years ago after a failed suicide attempt. My dads side of the family has major problems with addiction specificaly with alcohol. My dad is an alcoholic (hes never been abusive but Ive never seen him without a drink in his hand) my brother just went into rehab for alcoholism and my dads brother died of liver failure because of his alcoholism. I wanted a baby so bad but didnt want to be selfish and bring one into the world with so many isues. Until about a year ago when my fiancé and I decided thats what we wanted. My heart has been constantly broken because I am unable to get pregnant. I have dreams of my two little girls Madeline and Nicole. In my dreams Madeline is two now and Nicole is one. I want to hold them so bad. I want my babies here in my arms. But I cant have it. I have so much jealousy in my heart towards my sisters that I dont know how to let go of. I hate myself for waiting so long to have a baby. I wish I wouldve tried sooner. TLDR Al the women in my family have PCOS and I am unable to get pregnant. My sisters both recently found out theyre pregnant and I am happy for them but so jealous.
