My husband gets mad at me when I cry or show emotion.

It’s like he doesn’t understand that I’m a female with strong emotions. I’m about to give birth AND I suspect I’ve had a hormonal imbalance since I was younger. All-in-all, I can be a little moody, but nothing super out-of-the-norm. At least not until I’ve been pushed to my limit. Then I pretty much explode.

I thought there’d be a little more grace with me being pregnant, but no. As the baby gets closer and closer to being born, our verbal fights have gotten out of control. We’ve actually cussed at each other, which we never do. I told him I hated him, which I know was wrong. To hate is to sin, but my emotions just go out of control, and I can’t hold back. I’m angry that he doesn’t care that I’m struggling physically and emotionally with the baby coming (+ the stress of finances). I feel like I’m the only adult in the house. I’m stressed. I feel alone, and thinking about the future of our family gives me so much anxiety.

There’s part of me that doesn’t even want him to be at the birth because of how much we stress each other out. We don’t balance one another out. It’s fire and fire everyone we even try to have a regular conversation about difficult topics. I don’t know why God put us together or if our marriage will ever be God-honoring like I thought it would be when we first met. It’s clear that we don’t feel emotionally safe with one another. He doesn’t lead spiritually and seems like he’s content with being of the world to an extent. God isn’t at the center of our marriage.

I don’t know what to do anymore. It seems we’re at our best when I just leave him alone and take care of everything around the house and my son (and our new baby) and give him sex when he wants it. I’m completely drained and nervous to go into labor with all of these negative emotions.

It’s like he doesn’t understand that I’m a female with strong emotions. I’m about to give birth AND I suspect I’ve had a hormonal imbalance since I was younger. All-in-all, I can be a little moody, but nothing super out-of-the-norm. At least not until I’ve been pushed to my limit. Then I pretty much explode. I thought there’d be a little more grace with me being pregnant, but no. As the baby gets closer and closer to being born, our verbal fights have gotten out of control. We’ve actually cussed at each other, which we never do. I told him I hated him, which I know was wrong. To hate is to sin, but my emotions just go out of control, and I can’t hold back. I’m angry that he doesn’t care that I’m struggling physically and emotionally with the baby coming (+ the stress of finances). I feel like I’m the only adult in the house. I’m stressed. I feel alone, and thinking about the future of our family gives me so much anxiety. There’s part of me that doesn’t even want him to be at the birth because of how much we stress each other out. We don’t balance one another out. It’s fire and fire everyone we even try to have a regular conversation about difficult topics. I don’t know why God put us together or if our marriage will ever be God-honoring like I thought it would be when we first met. It’s clear that we don’t feel emotionally safe with one another. He doesn’t lead spiritually and seems like he’s content with being of the world to an extent. God isn’t at the center of our marriage.I don’t know what to do anymore. It seems we’re at our best when I just leave him alone and take care of everything around the house and my son (and our new baby) and give him sex when he wants it. I’m completely drained and nervous to go into labor with all of these negative emotions.
